The conference of "Novel Islamic civilization (past, present, future) and the role and mission of Afghanistan's scholars" was held Tuesday at the "Sun of Wilayat" complex in Mashhad, Iran.
During the event, Ayatollah Arafi head of Islamic seminaries pointed out that Islam has inspired humanity and that means Islam is a civilization-builder religion. He said, "We believe Islam still has the same capacity in terms of hardware and human, social, cultural and scientific resources to create a civilizational power."
In another part of his remarks, Ayatollah Arafi stated that today Al-Mustafa university has over 10,000 Sunni students.
Head of Al-Mustafa international university added, "This is the pattern that should exist in all educational centers of Islamic Ummah; Religious denominations should not be a matter of discord and enmity."
Ayatollah Arafi noted that the communicative system of the Umma should be based on theology and jurisprudence and underlined the importance of creating the communicational charter of the Islamic Ummah so the Ummah interact and have dialogue based on it.
He stressed on stopping Takfir and violence and said, "Politicians should be pushed towards Islamic economics and common legal systems, as a common Islamic legal and economic system is something that is a possible goal to achieve."
Head of Islamic seminaries called Afghanistan a great part of the body of Islamic Ummah and an important and effective country in the world and praised the brotherhood and solidarity of Afghanistan's scholars.
He concluded, "This conference is a sign of determination of Afghan scholars. Such determination must create change in the Islamic world, defeat enemies and cause the blossoms of Islamic civilization to appear."