Saturday, July 7, 2018 12:41:42 AM
How does the Islamic Revolution of Iran differ from the American Revolution?

America's population was not more than 4, 5 million at that time. They started a movement and established a government. Certain figures - such as the famous George Washington and others - came to power, but the same things that happened to the French Revolution happened to the American Revolution as well.

I carefully studied the developments that have happened over the past 2 or 3 centuries - during which great revolutions have taken place - but I did not find a single case like the Islamic Revolution. I advise you to study the history of the same era: you may find a similar case. I did not find a transformation that started in a particular way and pursued the same path, the same goals, the same ideals and the same positions during later stages. They either did not continue at all, like the Russian Revolution, or they continued but with a considerable time lapse and with many hardships, like the French Revolution or the movement that led to America's independence, which might or might not be called a revolution. The initial goals were finally reached in one way or another, but with a lot of efforts and with a considerable time lapse[...]

The same things happened in America. The American Revolution - namely, America's liberation from the British government - took place 5, 6 years before the French Revolution, around 1782. Of course, America's population was not more than 4, 5 million at that time. They started a movement and established a government. Certain figures - such as the famous George Washington and others - came to power, but the same things that happened to the French Revolution happened to the American Revolution as well. After the initial movement had been carried out, the American nation went through a lot of hardships. They went through extraordinary civil wars. At least one million people were killed during one of these civil wars, which was the most important civil war and it happened between North and South. In fact, the war was between the northeastern part of America and the southeastern part because at that time the American government had just gained control over the western part. At least one million people were killed. Of course, accurate statistics did not exist at that time. The statistic is based on the estimates of those who have spoken or written in this regard. Finally, after the passage of around 100 years since America's independence, the American government gradually became established and managed to continue its movement on the original path.

Of course, the crimes that were committed and the tragedies that were caused by the rulers and their armies are a long sad story: attacking the neighbouring countries and massacre of Native Americans. I am sorry that our youth do not know about these events. When a person knows that the civilization, progress and wealth of certain countries is the result of a large amount of vandalism, misconduct, brutality and injustice in the past, he will gain a new perspective on what he has to do and on the duties, he must fulfil[...]

These are the revolutions that have taken place over the past few centuries. Of course there were also certain pseudo-revolutions in the Middle East region and mostly in North Africa and Latin America, which were not genuine revolutions. They were mostly coups. In the late 1950s and early 1960s a leftist revolutionary movement was started in North African countries - namely, Egypt, Libya, Sudan and Tunisia. All these countries became revolutionary. But apart from a few exceptions, the same people who had carried out the revolutions started to stray away from the original path. The revolutions were leftist, anti-America, anti-England and anti-France. This was how they had encouraged the people to step into the arena. But the same people who led the revolutions to victory suffered from a deviation and developed a tendency towards colonial forces. One of these people was Tunisia's Bourguiba. He was the leader of the Tunisia Revolution. Basically he was the one who gave rise to the Tunisian Revolution. But he turned into a puppet for France and the west. He went off in a direction which was later on followed by Ben Ali. Similarly, in Egypt, Anwar Sadat was one of the supporters of Gamal Abdel Nasser. He was among the people who had carried out the coup or what they called "Free Officers Movement". Basically, during the time of Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Free Officers Movement had been started with the goal of liberating Palestine. But there was so much deviation that they made peace with the regime that has occupied Palestine and they hatched plots against Palestine. Finally, a few years ago, they even cooperated with the Zionists to put a siege on Gaza and to eliminate the people of Palestine. That is to say, the original movement made a complete U-turn.

The same thing happened in Sudan. I do not think you remember Nimeiry. I remember the time when he obtained his first official position. He was a revolutionary officer who actually saved Sudan from the clutches of the west. But the same person developed a tendency towards the west. He turned into a puppet for the west. The revolutionary people who are currently in power in Sudan rose up against him and removed him from power. Jaafar Nimeiry gradually changed from an anti-west element who had carried out a coup against his pro-western government to a western puppet and mercenary. The same is true of the others[...]

This was what the movements were like. That is to say, due to different reasons, revolutions deviated from the original path at the beginning or later on. In certain cases, this deviation lasted more than several decades. In a country like France the deviation lasted for more than 70 years before they gradually managed to realize some of the original goals - and not all of the goals, but a portion of them.

The Islamic Revolution is an exception. The Islamic Revolution was a movement that was carried out with specific goals in mind. The goals that had been specified were general in certain cases and they were gradually broken down and made more specific later on, but the Revolution had clear goals. Demanding Islam, fighting the arrogant powers, demanding independence for the country, bringing about dignity for humanity, defending the oppressed, bringing about scientific, technological and economic progress for the country - these were the goals of the Revolution. A look at the statements of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and the main documents of the Revolution would reveal that the goals were rooted in Islamic texts. Being popular and relying on the faith, beliefs, motivation and passion of the people were among the essential pillars of the Revolution. This path has been continued. There has been no deviation. This is a very important point considering the fact that thirty-three years have passed since the Revolution.

This is what I mean when I say the Revolution is stable and established. "Those who say our Lord is Allah, then continue in the right way." [The Holy Quran, 41: 30] The Iranian people said "our Lord is Allah" and they stood firm. This spirit was passed on to later generations. Probably all of the dear youth who made those enthusiastic and sincere statements in this meeting were born after the Revolution. None of you saw the revolutionary era. None of you saw the war. None of you met the Imam (r.a.). But the path is the same path. The goals are the same. The statements that are made are the kind of statements that would have been made at that time. I used to go to the University of Tehran once a week and I used to arrange meetings with students. We used to pray. Afterwards, I used to answer the questions of the students and deliver speeches. And this continued for a long time. The statements that students used to make at that time were the same statements that you make today. Of course today the comments are more calculated and well-informed. Emotions are as strong as they used to be, but the statements that are made today by our students are more rational than the statements which were made in those days. This is very valuable. The goals have been realized so far.

Imam Khamenei, Aug 10, 2011

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