Tuesday, July 10, 2018 4:03:18 PM
Hadiths of Imam Kazim(AS)/Wainting for Imam Mahdi

Imam Mūsá ibn Ja‘far al-Kāzim (Arabic: موسى بن جعفر الكاظم‎), also called Abūl-Hasan, Abū Abd Allah, Abū Ibrāhīm, and al-Kāzim (the one who controls his anger), was the seventh Shiite Imam after his father Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq.

أفْضَلُ العِبادَةِ بَعْدَ المَعْرِفَةِ‌ انْتِظارُ‌ الفَرَجِ

The most virtuous deed, after Knowing (God), is waiting for Appearance (of Mahdi-pbuh).

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