Wednesday, July 11, 2018 12:47:28 AM
Hadiths of Imam Reza(AS)/justice

'Alī ibn Mūsā ar-Riḍā (Arabic: علي ابن موسى الرّضا‎), also called Abu al-Hasan, Ali al-Reza (c. 29 December 765 – 23 August 818)[2] or in Iran (Persia) as Imam Reza (Persian: امام رضا‬‎), was a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad and the eighth Shi'ite Imam, after his father Imam Musa al-Kadhim, and before his son Imam Muhammad al-Jawad. He was an Imam of knowledge according to the Zaydi (Fiver) Shia school and Sufis.

مَن عامَلَ النّاسَ فَلَم یَظْلِمْهُم، وحَدَّثَهُم فَلَم یَکْذِبْهُم، ووَعَدَهُم فَلَم یُخْلِفْهُم،‌ فَهُو مِمَّن کَمُلَتْ مُرُوَّتُهُ وظَهَرَتْ عَدالَتُهُ.

Whoever does not oppress people in connection with them, does not lie to them in his words, and does not break his promises, thus the chivalry of such a person is complete and his justice is obvious.

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