Friday, July 13, 2018 12:15:21 AM
Hadiths of Imam Hassan Askari(AS)/ Signs of a believer

Imam Hasan ibn Ali ibn Muhammad (c. 846 – 874) was the 11th Imam of Twelver Shia Islam, after his father ImamAli al-Hadi. He was also called Abu Muhammad and Ibn al-Ridha. Because Samarra, the city where he lived, was a garrison town, he is generally known as al-Askari (Askar is the word for military in Arabic).

عَلاماتُ المُؤمِنِ خَمسٌ: صَلاةُ إحْدَی وخَمسِینَ، وزِیارَةُ الأربَعِینَ، والتَّخَتُّمُ فی الیَمِینِ وتَعفِیرُ الجَبِینِ، والجَهرُ بِبِسمِ اللهِ الرَّحمنِ الرَّحیمِ.

Five things are signs of a believer`s: 51 rak`ahs of prayer (obligatory and recommended in night and day), Zīāratu `Arba`īn, wearing ring in the right hand, prostrating on soil, and saying bismilah loudly.

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