Wednesday, July 18, 2018 8:55:44 PM
Hadiths of Imam Reza(AS)/ Justice

Imam Ali ar-Rida was brought up under the holy guidance of his father for thirty-five years. His own insight and brilliance in religious matters combined with the excellent training and education given by his father made him unique in his spiritual leadership.

مَن عامَلَ النّاسَ فَلَم یَظْلِمْهُم، وحَدَّثَهُم فَلَم یَکْذِبْهُم، ووَعَدَهُم فَلَم یُخْلِفْهُم،‌ فَهُو مِمَّن کَمُلَتْ مُرُوَّتُهُ وظَهَرَتْ عَدالَتُهُ.

Whoever does not oppress people in connection with them, does not lie to them in his words, and does not break his promises, thus the chivalry of such a person is complete and his justice is obvious.

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