Friday, July 20, 2018 7:45:09 PM
Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammad Sadeq Hussaini Rohani

Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammad Sadeq Hussaini Rohani (Persian: سید محمد صادق حسینی روحانی‎) is an Iranian Twelver Shia Marja currently residing in Qom, Iran.

 He was born in the city of Qom, Iran during Muharram 1345 AH, equivalent to 1305 HS (Hijri Solar, also known as the Iranian calendar) or the summer of 1926 AD. His family was of Imam Hussein extraction, with a great background of knowledge and virtues[citation needed]. He received his Ijtihad authority at the age of 14, from Grand Ayatollah Abul-Qassim Khoei, which makes him one of the youngest to achieve this in history of Shia Islam. He became a Marja, after death of Grand Ayatollah Borujerdi, at the age of 35.


Early life and Parents

His father, Mahmoud Rohani, was a renowned teacher in the Islamic Seminary of Qom, Iran. He was born in the year 1307 AH. He moved to Najaf, Iraq in the year 1330 AH to study under Sayed Abul Hasan Esfahani and Mirza Na’eni. He also studied for a while under Hussain Tabatabai Qummi in the city of Mashad, Iran. He then moved to the Islamic Seminary of Qom, Iran. Some believe that it was he who managed to convince Abdulkarim Haeri to move to the city of Qom to start teaching Islamic Studies. He is regarded by some as being one of the most exceptional students of Haeri.

Mahmoud Rohani died on the 18th of Shaban 1381 AH after a long period of illness. When the news of his death spread, the city of Qom, including the markets, education institutions and offices, closed out of recognition of the loss of a great figure.

His mother is a direct descendant of Imam Hassan, the first grandson of Prophet Mohammad, and the daughter of Sayed Ahmad Tabatabai Qummi, who spent many years leading the prayer in the courtyard of Hazrate Masuma’s shrine.

After his father died, Sayed Sadiq Rohani spent many years leading the congregational prayer in the mosque whilst also answering peoples’ religious questions and assisting them in their affairs. Amongst the things Sayed Sadiq Rohani was involved in were assisting Kashani in the nationalisation of Iranian oil, opposing Reza Shah in banning Hijab (modest Islamic clothing), inviting and endeavouring to bring Haeri to Qom, laying the foundations for Haeri’s teaching and assisting him, and assisting in founding the Islamic Seminary of Qom.

Qualifications and Studies

Sayed Sadiq Rohani started his teaching career in the city of Qom with his father teaching Arabic Grammar. Then, in the year 1355 AH at the age of 10 years, he travelled with his elder brother to study under the renowned scholars of the Islamic Seminary of Najaf, withstanding many troubles and hardships on the way. Due to his exceptional intelligence, extraordinary talent and keen interest in the subjects, he was able to complete the elementary studies (called Sat’h) in only one year, as opposed to the many years usually required. After being examined by Khoei, he started his higher Islamic studies (called Dars’e Kharej) of “Fiqh” and “Usool” at the age of 11. The acceptance of an 11-year-old to study the higher Islamic studies of “Fiqh” and “Usool”, especially in the company of much older students who had spent many more years studying, was a pleasant surprise for the students and teachers alike.

Zaade Milani narrates:

“Khoei said to my father Ayatollah al-Udhma Milani: I take pride in the Islamic Seminary in which an 11-year-old student studies alongside the elder students and learned scholars, and with them reads the Makaseb and understands the contents of the Makaseb better than them and then further analyses it”

The book of Makaaseb is compiled by Sheikh Ansari and is taught in Islamic Seminaries. It is one of the most important and difficult books taught in Islamic Seminaries and understanding such a book requires much talent.

Rohani studied under some of the most renowned and highest religious scholars and jurisprudents. Of these teachers were:

Kadhim Shirazi (1290–1367)

Mohammad Hussain Esfahani, also known as Kompani (born 1361)

Mohammad Ali Kadhimi

Sayed Abul Hassan Esfahani (1284–1345)

Mohammad Reza A’le Yasin

Sayed Abul Qasim Khoei (1317–1413)

Sayed Mohammad Hussain Tabatabaei Boroujerdi (1292–1380)

He learned many valuable things from his famous teacher and has always been thankful to them. However, the role ayatollah khoei played in treating Ayatollah Rohani was really appreciable. As he acknowledges, a great share of his knowledge is due to 15-year attendance in public and private classes of Ayatollah Khoei among the rest of great Ayatollahs. There was consensus among almost all of scholars of that time that Ayatollah Khoei was an incomparable jurist who was an expert in seminary sciences such as fiqh (jurisprudence), methodology, kalam (speculative theology), interpretation, rijal (biography and criticism of traditional) and philosophy. His published works verifies this claim.

Ayatollah Khoei used to scout around for intelligent students and to play greater role in training them.

When attended Najaf seminary in his adolescence, Ayatollah Rohani was a young student with an unbelievable comprehension and intelligence. He would learn complicated lessons of fiqh, write down the notes and make a fair copy of them at home, discuss the lesson with his friends, and pre-study for the next day lesson. This huge bulk of task, especially in lack of learning and living facilities, took 16 hours of his day. Moreover, he would do his personal affairs such as earning his living while tolerating the economic pressures. Being a young man he suffered from a dire economic situation. Sometimes he had to borrow money from the neighboring traders who knew him.


Ayatollah Rohani has always tried to distribute the Islamic and Ahlulbait (the Prophet Mohammad's family (a)) culture in his entire life. He has either taught and trained many other knowledgeable sages or has written some valuable books on Islamic sciences.

As soon as he attend Qom Islamic seminary, started writing "Shia feghh encyclopedia" besides teaching "Kharej". The mentioned encyclopedia is verified and endorsed by the greatest religious authorities and seminary teachers.

One of his most valuable works is the book "Feghh-al-sadegh" great Ayatollah Boroujerdi regard this book as a valid source and quoted many parts of it in his teaching, great Ayatollah Khoei also, wrote in a letter that "I delivered the book "Feghh-al-sadegh" to Ayatollah Kashef-al-ghata and told him, look! What a precious service I have done to Islam by bringing such a researchers and scientists up.

The dean of "Al-Azhar" (Al-Azhar university), Egypt, which is the greatest scientific center of sunnis, praises the book Feghh-al-sadegh in a letter, too. This book is one of the expressive, valid and important sources of Feghh and methodology in Shia community. Of many adequate reasons for Ayatollah Rohani's religious authority; one is writing the comprehensive book "Feghh-al-sadegh".


Fiqh al-Sadiq (Arabic), 41 volumes and more than 20,000 pages

Zobdat al-Usool (Arabic), 6 volumes

Minhaj al-Fuqaha (Arabic), 6 volumes

Al-Masaa’el al-Mostahdetha (Arabic)

Ta’leeq bar Minhaj al-Saleheen (Arabic), 3 volumes

Ta’leeq bar Urwatol Wothqaa (Arabic), 2 volumes

Ta’leeq bar Waseelat an-Najaat (Arabic)

Resaaleh dar lebaas’e mashkook (Arabic)

Resaaleh dar Qaa’edat Laa Dharar (Arabic)

al-Jabr wa al-Ikhtiyar (Arabic)

Resaaleh dar Qor’eh (Arabic)

Manaasek al-Hajj (Arabic)

al-Masaa’el al-Montakheba (Arabic)

Resaaleh dar furoo al-Elm al-Ejmaali (Arabic)

al-Ijtehad wa al-Taqleed (Arabic)

al-Qawaa’ed al-Thalaatha (Arabic)

Sharh Manaasek al-Hajj wa al-Umra (Arabic)

Ajoube al-Masaa’el al-E’teqaadiyyeh (Arabic)

Al-Liqaa’ el-Khaas – Esteftaa’aat (Arabic)

Resaaleh Tawzeeh ul-Masaa’el (Persian and Urdu)

Tahqeeqee dar mawrede Jabr va Ekhtiyar (Persian)

Nezaam’e Hokoomat dar Islam (Persian, Turkish, Urdu)

Manaasek al-Hajj (Persian)

Montakhab al-Ahkam (Persian)

Esteftaa’aat Quwe Qadhaa’eeyeh wa mo’a’sese hoqooqee vokalaa’ye baynol-melal (Persian)

Ahkam’e Feqhi masaa’ele rooz (Persian)

Esteftaa’aat (Islamic Questions and Answers) (Persian), currently published in 8 volumes

Alf So’aal wa Jawaab (Arabic)

Ajwebah al-Masaa’el (Arabic)

al-Taqleed wa al-Aqa’ed (Arabic)

al-Tahaara (Arabic)

Fadhaa’il va Masaa’eb Hazrate Zahra (Persian and Arabic)

Aashura va Qiyam’e Imam Hussain (Persian and Arabic)

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