Friday, August 3, 2018 5:16:08 PM
Violent Clashes Broke out Between Palestinians and Israeli Forces

Violent confrontations broke out between the Palestinians and the Israeli occupation forces, at dawn Thursday, after a number of settlers stormed, in the tomb of Joseph area, east of the West Bank city of Nablus, under the pretext of performing Talmudic rituals.

Palestine Today quoted local sources saying that "violent clashes broke out in the place, during which the enemy forces fired live bullets, gas and sound bombs, while the youths responded with stones."

According to the activist, Mohammed Ayad Awad, the enemy forces stormed the houses of three prisoners released and arrested them after searching and tampering with the contents.

Israeli occupation forces searched and raided these houses and the house of Jalal Barghith, a former prisoner in Israeli, jailed for 15 years. Searched his house and confiscated his own car.

In a related context, Israeli occupation forces entered the street peace and the Wadi Abu Katila, in Hebron. The captive, Mazen al-Natsheh, said that the Israeli occupation forces raided his house, searched him thoroughly and stole money from his house.

The Israeli occupation forces launch a campaign of raids and arrests daily in the West Bank, under the pretext of searching for wanted individuals.

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