Saturday, August 4, 2018 11:01:30 PM
Layers of Copper stone, Bronze Age Identified in Hamedan

The largest volume of cultural layers of Kal Kaboud Hill in the city of Razan in Hamedan Province belongs to the Copper Stone and old Bronze Age.

The Public Relations Office of the Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (RICHT) quoted Majid Mohammad Yarloo, the head of the probing team to determine the limits and propose the privacy of Kal Kaboud Hill site as saying that the hill is an area which belongs to the prehistoric (Copper-Stone, Bronze and Iron Age), the historic ((Parthian-Sassanid) and the Islamic eras (Seljuk-Ilkhanid).

Based on the surface surveys the boreholes drilled to determine the limits and privacy of the hill, the archeologist noted that the largest volume of cultural layers of the enclosure belongs to the Copper-Stone and old Bronze eras.

The oldest pottery which has been discovered is from the Dalma style culture and the Bronze pottery of the site dates back to the second period of the culture of the old Trans-Caucasus (Yanik), he said.

He also pointed to the discovery of some pieces of pottery of Godin lll style, which seem to have been imported, and a granite mace-head which belongs to the Bronze Age.

Referring to the registration of Kal Kaboud Hill in the list of National Monuments in 2003, he noted that with regard to the surveys carried out in the northern plains of Hamedan Province and the large volume of prehistoric deposits, the possibility of the existence of the Neolithic period cultural layers in this area is not beyond expectation.

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