The principle of “Nullifiers of Islam” was invented by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, the founder of Wahhabism, based on the ideas of Ibn Taymiyyah, Qasir said in an episode of Al-Kawthar Program “Provisions of Islam”.
The interviewer Ibrahim al-Mousawi noted that the principles of Takfir -- Oneness of Names and Attributes (tawheed asma wa sifat), Oneness of Lordship of Allah (tawheed ar-rububiyyah) and Oneness of Worship (tawheed al-uluhiyyah), and the Nullifiers of Islam-- are aimed to achieve worldly purposes, noting that their origin is the extremism which has been planted in the hearts of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and his followers.
Qasir said that Ibn Taymiyyah formed the first principle of Takfir, Oneness of Names and Attributes as well as the second principle, the Oneness of Lordship of Allah and Oneness of Worship, while the third one the Nullifiers of Islam was founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, noting that the words and the roots of this principle exist in the books of Ibn Taymiyyah.
He noted that the “Nullifiers of Islam” is the most dangerous principle as it keeps no Muslim person safe from being considered as an infidel and subjected to murder.
The cleric also said that even the followers of Wahhabism are subjected to killing based on the principle of the “Nullifiers of Islam” as if a person believed in the Wahhabi school but did not Takfir (declare as an infidel) those whom are considered as disbelievers by Wahhabism, or even if that person declared them infidels but did not kill them then he committed one of the so-called “Nullifiers of Islam”.
According to the so-called Nullifiers of Islam, “Whoever does not declare an infidel as an infidel is infidel himself, and whoever doesn’t fight infidels is infidel,” Qasir said.
He noted that Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab initially listed 10 nullifiers of Islam, but he later expanded it when he recognized that he could commit murders and declare people as infidels.
According to Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, if a Muslim commits one of those nullifiers, this person will not be considered as a Muslim anymore, the cleric said.
Qasir clarified that the first nullifier of Islam according to Wahhabism is “Shirk (associating partners) in the worship of Allah”, including having a nazr (vow) to make and sacrifice for the demon or grave.
Referring to the second nullifier which says “Whoever places intermediaries between himself and Allah, asking them to intercede on his behalf, and relying on them, has committed disbelief according to the unanimous agreement of the scholars,” Qasir noted that placing intermediaries means supplicating, for example, saying O Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
The cleric stressed that there is no consensus among scholars on this item unlike what the founder of Wahhabism claimed, saying there are a lot of evidence against that item, including the hadith of the Blind Man which showed that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught him supplicating.
The cleric noted that polytheists whom are mentioned in the third item which says “Whoever does not hold the polytheists to be disbelievers, or has doubts about their disbelief or considers their ways and beliefs to be correct, has committed disbelief,” have been identified in the first two items. Thus, according to Wahhabism, those who supplicate or who have a nazr (vow) to make and sacrifice for the demon or grave, or pray at graves are deemed “infidels”.
The cleric clarified that this principle considers Sunnis and Muslims affiliated to all other Islamic sects as polytheists as supplication is allowed in all sects.
Meanwhile, the fourth nullifier says “Whoever believes that some guidance other than that of the Prophet (PBUH) is more complete than his guidance and that someone else’s judgment is better than his judgment, such as those who prefer the judgment of the Tawaagheet over his judgment, then he is a disbeliever.”
Referring to that item as illogical, Qasir wondered how a Muslim believe in monotheism and prophecy and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) could think that guidance other than that of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is better than his guidance. The cleric noted that - according to previous statements by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab- the founder of Wahhabism meant Islam as interpreted by him.
Qasir stressed that Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab frightened every Muslim person in the world as he only accepts his interpretation of Islam as the right one.
“Whoever hates something that the Messenger came with, even though he may act on it, has disbelieved,” the fifth nullifier says. Qasir noted the founder of Wahhabism meant his interpretation of the hadiths.
Qasir noted that all the people, who have been killed under Wahhabism and by the descendants of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab such as Daesh, Nusra Front and Boko Haram Takfiri militants, were praying, fasting and performing other acts of worship (ibadat), but were even killed because they hated the Wahhabism ideology.
Referring to the sixth nullifier which says “Whoever mocks or ridicules any part of the Messenger’s Religion… has committed an act of disbelief”, Qasir stressed that the item concerns mocking Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s interpretation of the Messenger’s Religion.
Accordingly, Qasir said, a scholar could be declared as a disbeliever if he laughed while talking about a wrong Wahhabi interpretation although he mocked the Wahhabi idea and not Islam.
Qasir added that Sorcery is also mentioned as the seventh nullifier of Islam, noting that it aimed to kill each Sufi who claims to have Karama, or miracle -- an extraordinary acts that are believed to be performed by a righteous Muslim man.
The cleric said Sufis claim that their scholars perform Karamat. Therefore- Qasir said, if people who are believing in Wahhabism saw such Karamat, they would accuse him of being an infidel and kill him.
Qasir added that those nullifiers aimed to “terrorize” the other, and therefore whoever opposes Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab then he will be accused of committing a nullifier of Islam and of being an infidel.
Referring to the eighth nullifier which is “supporting and assisting the polytheists against the Muslims”, the cleric noted that a person could assist the polytheists against Muslims because he is ignorant and does not know that is forbidden (Haram)
He stressed that if someone is a Muslim he should not be declared as a disbeliever based on a suspicion, adding that if the eighth nullifier was applied to the Wahhabis themselves, all of them would be sentenced to death.
Qasir stressed that Takfiring (declaring a Muslim as an infidel) is forbidden in the Quran, quoting a part of a verse in the Quran which says “Do not say to one who gives you [a greeting of] peace ‘You are not a believer’.”
He noted that the expression of a “Nullifier of Islam” does not exist in the Quran, describing it as a heresy which considers all Muslims as “infidels” and could be subjected to murder.