Islam is more than just a private religious faith, author Hesham Hassaballa writes in a recent article on how to be a better Muslim.
In the article, the author explains that Islam is a pathway which has been laid by God throughout the ages of human history, adding that it is a road upon which scores of Prophets have tread, from our father Adam, to his sons Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, and finally the Prophet Muhammad.
The writer also says the heart of believer begins to dwindle with change in time and the hypocrisies of the human condition. And it would be helpful if we step back and see how we can improve ourselves as we walk on the path back to the Lord our God.
Here are 7 ways to become a better Muslim:
1.Affirm In Your Heart That God Loves You: This is one of the most important things a Muslim must know: that the Precious Beloved Lord on High loves him or her. That love is unending and is manifested each and every day in His endless mercy which He showers upon His servants. It is a light that shines upon you day or night, and it is a light that will guide your way through the darkness of earthly existence.
2.Rejoice in the Light of God's Love: Once you know that God loves you, then rejoice in that beautiful fact. Be relieved that you worship a God who is Beautiful, Loving, Subtle, Merciful, and Compassionate. Rejoice in the fact that you have a God that "has got your back," Who will never abandon you. Rejoice in the fact that you have a God who will always be there, even if you perceive He has forsaken you.
3.Love God Back: Once you have been enriched with the knowledge and comfort of the fact that God loves you, then it is incumbent upon you to love God back. This is more than just lip service: love is fully manifested in action. The full manifestation of God's love is His infinite Mercy shown to us. Our love should be manifested by doing the things that God has asked of us, and avoiding the things that God has advised us to avoid.
4.Talk to God: One of the essences of the Islamic path is to re-kindle - or, establish - a deep-seated bond and relationship with God. One of the best ways to strengthen this bond is by talking daily to the Lord. Although He knows everything within you, still talk to Him and tell Him your fears, hopes, and dreams. He will still listen, and it will be enormously satisfying.
5.Establish the Daily Prayer: The Quran says, "set up Regular prayers: For such prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times." (4:103) The daily prayers are one of the most important ritual practices of Islam. It is one of the best ways to manifest "loving God back." Five times daily, we stop what we are doing and focus our attention upon the Divine. It is a constant reminder of where we came from and to where we are going.
6.Also Supplicate as Often as Possible: In addition to the daily ritual prayers, supplication is equally important. The Prophet Muhammad said that supplication is the "mind of worship." It is the physical manifestation of the belief that God is the only All-Powerful, that all things are done only through Him. Yes, the Quran and the Prophetic Hadith have taught us many good supplications which we should say, but we should also ask God of the mundane things as well: "help me do well on this test"; "remind me to pick up a gallon of milk on the way home"; "bless my time today." You will find it to be a very powerful ally.
7.Do Your Part: Indeed, only through and by God's will does anything happen in the cosmos. Yet, that does not mean we, therefore, must not work and seek out God's bounty. Sustenance will not just fall out of the sky: we must work to get it, and in that work, we will find God's blessing and sustenance will come to us. We cannot leave our valuables in full view in an unlocked car and ask God to protect it from theft. We should hide our valuables, lock the car, and then ask for God's protection. Someone once asked the Prophet: "Should I tie my camel or rely upon God to protect it?" The Prophet answered: "Tie your camel, then rely upon God."