He added that "this drill is the large international naval maneuver in which the enemy blocks a critical sea route, similar to Iran's Strait of Hormuz. The exercise included 25 participants from 26 countries, 47 warships, 200 fighter planes, and five submarines, in the Pacific Ocean in Hawaii."
Since the early 1970's, the exercise is held every couple of years, and simulates a naval maneuver with the participation of an international task force. Each time, more fleets take part in the maneuver, this is the very first time the Israeli Navy takes part in the maritime drill as an active participant, which is led by the US Navy. Its main participants were Australia, Canada and Chile.
Amongst this year's participants are Muslim countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei, whom Israel has no political ties, and the countries of Vietnam and Sri Lanka.
“Because of the enormous distance, close to 10,000 miles away, Israel didn’t send its own ships, but rather joined the commanding team at the heart of the drill—the central command room at the second biggest naval base in the US, the Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam (JBPHH), in Hawaii. The exercise lasted about a month and ended two weeks ago. These days, the Israeli Navy is drawing its necessary conclusions,” he added.
The newspaper pointed out that the Israeli participation in the maneuver was the presence of some senior Israeli generals.
“The Israeli delegation in the next exercise would be bigger, and American officials asked to send ships, land forces, such as rescue and rescue teams and combat troops," it added.