State-owned arms manufacturer Israel Military Industries (IMI) would deliver “within a few years” an advanced integrated system “allowing precise hits by remote launching,” he said in a statement.
Lieberman added that the contract with IMI was budgeted at “hundreds of millions of shekels.”
The Israeli shekel is currently trading at 3.63 to the US dollar.
“The project for setting up a precision rocket and missile system is underway,” Lieberman said in the statement.
“Part of it is already in production and part is in the final phases of research and development.
Israel is believed to be the only country in the region to possess nuclear weapons.
Foreign military experts say it has several batteries of its Jericho ballistic missile, capable of delivering nuclear warheads.
IMI said in 2004 that it had produced a cruise missile, the Delilah, with a range of 250 kilometers (150 miles).
It also has an array of anti-missile rocket systems but Monday’s statement quoted IMI chairman Yitzhak Aharonovitch saying that the new armament would “reflect the company’s technological capabilities, which specialize in the ability to fire accurately, to strike at a variety of ground targets.”
Lieberman did not reveal details of the planned new system or its potential targets.