Tuesday, August 28, 2018 10:25:43 AM
US Only Believes in Force and Aggression

Iran has every right to take court action against Washington after Donald Trump unilaterally pulled the United States out of the nuclear deal with Iran and re-imposed "illegal" sanctions on Tehran, American writer and academic James Petras says, adding that the US "only believes in force and aggression."

Last month, Iran filed a complaint at the UN's top court, the Hague-based tribunal known as the World Court, asking it to order the US to lift its recently re-imposed sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

Tehran has called on the United Nations court to order the immediate lifting of the sanctions, and demanded compensation for damages incurred in their wake.

The United States objected on Monday to the lawsuit filed by Iran at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) .

Professor emeritus Petras told Press TV in an interview on Monday that the re-imposition of sanctions against Tehran indicates that “Washington has no intention of abiding by any international decision.”

He said that the Iranian government had every right to pursue the judicial process.

The US efforts to evade the judicial process revealed Washington’s incompetence to deal with the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and six other countries - the US, Germany, France, Britain, China and Russia, according to the retired professor.

He said Washington had no intention of abiding by any international decision and by any international court.

The academic believes Washington's sole intention is to change the political system in Iran by using its military force and political, economic means.  

"It has only one purpose and that is to overthrow the government in Tehran and  it is moving in that direction in many ways. Its military threats. Its attempt to stifle people’s lives, the economy. These are very clear signs that Washington does not abide by judicial process. It only believes in force and aggression," he said. 

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