Friday, August 31, 2018 8:35:55 PM
Two Locations Where Imam Hussain (P) Stayed near Kerbela Discovered

It is announced that Kerbela Center for Studies and Researches – affiliated with the Imam Hussain Shrine – has recently advanced in carrying out the project of discovering the path and the places that Imam Hussain and his family (Peace Be Upon Them) stayed in when they came to the holy city of Kerbela in 61 A.H.

Abdul-Ameer Elquraishi – center director – said, “The project has been underway since 2013. The expert team has recently discovered two locations: one known as (Beni Muqatil Palace), and another known as (Uthaib Elhejjan), both of which are in the desert west of Najaf.”

He added that the team has used modern geophysical survey technologies in accurately defining the boundaries of the two locations and studying their features.

Elquraishi commended the Imam Hussain Shrine for the constant support in achieving the project as soon as possible.

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