The US-Saudi aggression against Yemen is increasing pressure on the ruling family behind the scenes, and this war has become a costly quagmire without any end in sight. He pointed out that Saudi Arabia is facing widespread criticism in the Muslim world and the West, which it is likely to increase.
Mr. Riedel highlights the importance of the fact that many European countries have suspended the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia as the aggression against Yemen continued. He pointed out that Spain joined Germany, Norway and Belgium in the decision to stop arms sales, stressing the growing opposition in the US Congress to arm Riyadh.
On the economic plan of Bin Salman, the writer said that the Saudi regime has become more authoritarian and repressive, which led to the transfer of about 150 billion dollars of capital abroad in the past two years. He explained that "the plan was to open the field of foreign investment in Aramco including the public offering the stock market, but critics at home said that the plan will put the company in foreign hands, which prompted King Salman recently to cancel his son's plan."
With regard to the internal crackdown, the writer described the repression of the eastern regions as evil and violent, pointing out that the arbitrary arrests of activists are part of a comprehensive approach towards more tyranny and repression in Saudi Arabia.