Monday, September 17, 2018 6:32:11 PM
Iranian Cities Within List  of UNESCO Creative Cities Network

The head of cultural heritage committee of Iranian National Commission for UNESCO said that Iranian cities of Isfahan and Rasht are included in the 180 UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN).

'The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) covers seven creative fields including crafts and folk art, design, film, gastronomy, literature, media arts, and music' said Bahman Namvar Motlagh in the meeting of the city council of Yazd Sunday evening.

'Rasht and Isfahan are registered in gastronomy and crafts fields respectively,' he added. 

Namvar expressed hope that other Iranian cities with high capabilities will join the network soon.

The UNESCO Creative Cities Network was introduced in 2004 and has created a platform for world cities to cooperate within. 

According to UCCN standards, a city is recognized as creative when one or more of seven fields of creativity play a prominent role in its sustainable urban development. 

As of 2017, a total of 180 cities from 72 countries, including two cities from Iran, are indexed in the network.

Each member city provides a report on its overall situation and activities every four years in the UCCN Membership Monitoring Reports.

Members are committed to share their best practices and partnerships involving the public and private sectors as well as civil society.

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