Tuesday, September 18, 2018 8:27:47 PM
Persian Calligraphy in Algeria

An international calligraphy exhibition is underway in Algerian capital, Algiers, showcasing artworks created by artists from 13 Islamic nations, including those by Iranian calligraphers.

Iranian calligraphy artist Amir Ahmad Falsafi and illumination artist Mohammad Nabati have taken part in the 10th international calligraphy gilding, illumination and painting launched last Thursday already attended by many art-lovers from different countries.

In addition to presenting their artworks, the Iranian artists also hold training workshops on the sidelines of the event.

The Algerian Minister of Culture Azzedine Mihoubi, has reportedly, toured the exhibition and asked the Iranian participants to hold month-long training classes to introduce the Persian art to Algerians.

The Algerian media have presented their audience a full coverage of the festival, while the Iranian artists have been invited to television talk shows presented by the Algerian national TV channel to elaborate on the Persian arts.

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