Tuesday, October 2, 2018 9:03:16 PM
Chomsky: Resistance Festival Effective against Extremism

Notable US political critic and linguist Noam Chomsky, in a message to Int’l Resistance Film Festival (IRFF) in Iran, lauded the remarkable accomplishments in confronting extremism through films and video production.

The renowned political activist and linguist further noted that the event is a proper forum for highlighting the root cause of violence and extremism instigated by the US and its allies, ifilmtv.ir reported.

The secretariat of the festival’s 2018 edition has received submissions from 73 countries.

Most of the submissions are from the US and France filmmakers while 691 documentaries and 215 features have been registered as entries from Germany, Turkey, England, Italy, Canada, Spain, Brazil and other countries.

Tehran will host the 15th edition of the event in late November.

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