Speaking on the occasion of United Nations Day, which marks the entry into force of the UN Charter in 1945, Mogherini said 'Together, the EU and UN have been, are and will be the strongest champions of dialogue and cooperation.
'This is why we will continue to defend multilateral diplomacy and its achievements, from the Iran nuclear deal to the Paris agreement on climate change, and to support the essential work of all UN agencies.'
She went on to say 'International rules, organizations and jurisdictions are a guarantee for all. That's why we will always continue to invest in a strong UN system. Together – as we celebrate UN Day – we will stay a force for change.'
Since the US unilateral withdrawal of the JCPOA on May 8, the European Union has continued backing the international pact and ensuring that Iran would be able to receive the economic benefits of the deal.
The EU announced that its new mechanism to facilitate payments for Iranian exports would be legally in place by Nov. 4, when the next phase of U.S. sanctions hit.