Saturday, October 27, 2018 8:15:28 PM
India Holds the 26th Annual Hussain Day Convention

Under the title “Rise above Hate”, The 26th edition of the Hussain Day convention was held in the Indian city of Bengaluru .

Eminent dignitaries from around the world attended and participated in the international event.

They delivered speeches on the current hate crimes around the world and ways to solve this hatred from the teachings of Imam Hussain.

Below is the convention’s press note presented by Aga Sultan, convener.

It is with heavy heart that many of us have begun to feel that the world we live in now has become slowly engulfed with hatred.

Mob lynching, racial discrimination, terrorist activities, attacks on refugees, hate crimes being orchestrated on basis of race and religion.

As time has passed, it seems that we have forgotten the ‘human’ in humanity and ignored the ‘being’ in ‘human being’. As citizens of the world, the onus is on us to take up the mantle collectively to find a solution to the growing intolerance, violence, discrimination and with every fiber of our being, RISE ABOVE HATE, ignorance, and injustice.

Violence only begets violence and the solution to horrendous violent acts is not necessarily more violence, but education, awareness, dialogue and tolerance. We as humans are better than this and can RISE above this.

Let us understand that the concept of spreading love is a foundational teaching of all religions.

Let us choose love over hate, faith over despair and acceptance over intolerance.

The Annual ‘Hussain Day’ – Convention has been the tradition in Bengaluru for the past 26 years. On this occasion, distinguished scholars, eminent political leaders, social activists and intellectuals will deliberate on a selective topic. In view of the emerging global scenario, we have to raise a common voice against hatred.

Hence, it has been decided to have a topic which could percolate an individual’s thoughts in transforming the society towards peace and harmony. Here comes the sacrifice of Imam Hussain (AS), the grandson of Prophet Muhammad and his followers who laid down their lives to uphold the principles of humanity at Karbala against the then tyrant ruler Yazid, which is relevant even to this day. The present scenario is no different. The ‘Hussain Day’ – Convention will give a call to rise against such acts of violence in order to bring a world order where peace will prevail and this message will echo as a common voice of a commoner irrespective of the faith they belong.

Imam Hussain and his values continue to spread the great legacy inherited and laid the footprints on the tests of time. His actions demonstrated tolerance and promoting love for a just and peaceful society, which was a distant dream then. His message remains universal and relevant even today in promoting peace and justice, which was practiced by him during his lifetime. He not only preached peace, but promoted social justice where people could live with dignity.

Global Scenario: The present unrest across the globe has engulfed many peace-loving nations and has prompted us to look at the life of Imam Hussain and replicate his example in promoting peace and harmony. The changing geographical boundaries, mass exodus and killings and extremism and impending catastrophic has poised a challenge to follow the footprints of Imam Hussain in search of global peace.

Present Need: It is an imperative and the urgent need to act and follow those who have demonstrated resilience and prompted peace for a world order like the one that was demonstrated by the live of Imam Husain during his lifetime.

Let us forget what hurt you in the past. But never for what it taught you. Progress is impossible without change, as those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

Imam Hussain’s non-violent stand against oppression, corruption and tyranny teaches us to RISE ABOVE HATE.

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