Imam Reza
All Stories
Hazrat Abbas: The Flag-bearer of Faith and Loyalty (Part 1)
It was the fourth of Sha'ban in the year 26 AH. In the holy city of Medina, a man came running to the Prophet's Mosque. He stood for a moment at the door looking among the worshippers for some particular person.
Hazrat Abbas: The Flag-bearer of Faith and Loyalty (Part 2)
He was also polite and patient and this was a reminder of his father"s words that No heritage is worthier than politeness.
Ali Al-Akbar (p), Look-alike of the Prophet (p)
The Hashemite Prince Hazrat Ali Al-Akbar (p), son of Imam Al-Hussein (p) and Hazrat Umm-e-Layla (p), born on 11 Shaban, possessed so much remarkable resemblance to the holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (p) that the Chief of Martyrs and Leader of the Youths of Paradise Al-Imam Al-Hussein (p) was often heard to say “Whenever I desire to see the holy prophet (p) I look at him.”
Martyrdom of the Two Sons of Muslim bin Aqil (A.S) (Part 1)
Shaikh Sadooq has related in his Amali from his father (Ibne Babawayh Awwal), from Ali bin Ibraheem, who relates from his father, from Ibraheem bin Raja, from Ali bin Jabir, from Usman bin Dawood Hashmi, from Mohammad bin Muslim, from Humran bin A'ayan from Abu Mohammad, one of the noblemen of Kufa. He says that when Imam Hussein (A.S) was martyred, two infant boys from his cantonment were arrested and taken to Ubaydullah bin Ziyad. Ubaydullah called for the prison guard and said, "Take away these two children and imprison them. Do not give them good food or cold water, and harass them."
Martyrdom of the Two Sons of Muslim bin Aqil (A.S) (Part 3)
Then the man called his son and said, "I have gathered for you through lawful and unlawful means, while this world is such that it should be acquired.
Martyrdom of Ammar Ibn Yasir part 1
Days and months passed. Allah, the Glorified, wanted to punish those who persecuted the Muslims in Makkah and robbed them of their belongings and money. The Muslims heard that the polytheists had formed an army.
Black face, Pure Nature
This Article is divided into four parts, giving details about Bilal al-Habashi, the first the muezzin of Islam:
Lady Zainab (A.S) Speaks in the Court of Yazid
After the massacre of Imam Husayn bin 'Ali (a.s.) and his companions at Karbala, the forces of Yazid bin Mu'awiyah took the children and women of Husayn's caravan as prisoners. They were taken from Karbala to Kufa and from Kufa to Damascus, the capital and stronghold of Umayyid power.
Hazrat Zaynab (SA), Lady of Faith, Lady of Strength
At the death of the Mu’awiyah I, Imam Hussein (AS) set out from Medina to Kufa to claim the leadership of the Muslim community. Hadhrat Zaynab (SA) accompanied him, as did most of his household. After Imam Hussein’s death at the Battle of Karbala, Hadhrat Zaynab (SA) was taken prisoner by the army of Yazid I, Mu’awiyah’s son and successor. Hadhrat Zaynab (SA) and the other survivors of Imam Hussein’s expedition, most of them women and children, were marched to Damascus, Yazid’s capital, where they were held prisoner. Hadhrat Zaynab (SA) was in anguish due to the death of her brother Imam Hussein (AS) and her sons Aun and Muhammad.
The Mother of Her Sons (Part 2)
Lady Ummul Baneen loved the Prophet's family more than she loved her own sons. When news of the heart-breaking events of Karbala reached her, she did not ask about the fate of her four sons first and instead said, "Tell me about Hussein", and when she received the news of Imam Hussein's martyrdom, she said: "All of the arteries of my heart are torn. May all of my children and whatever that exists under this azure heaven be sacrificed for the sake of Imam Hussein."