Imam Reza
All Stories
Each Angles has a Specific Mission
An-Naziat (The life Grabbers) This surah was revealed in Mecca and has 46 verses. Naziat are the angles who drag the souls (of the sinners) out forcefully. The title has been taken from its first verse.
Attraction of the Quran
One of the aspect of the Quran which serves to indicate its unique and exceptional nature is the remarkable and inexhaustible attraction that it exerts.
Fingertips, one of Allah’s signs in His creation
A man came to the prophet, with dead bones and asks him O Muhammad do you say that Allah (God) will bring me back to life after I become like this dead Bones.
Camel: A useful animal in the Service of Mankind (Part 1)
Camel is the most useful domestic animal; a powerful, tame and enduring beast. Camel is able to carry large loads and she sits on the ground for us to put the load on her back, which makes loading her easy.
How a man be so ignorant and ungrateful!
Man is created from a very small particle called sperm. It is so small and significant in size that it is said if we put together all the sperms that all the human on earth are made of, it would not fill up a tumbler.
The sinners’ hearts are pounding with fear
On the Resurrection Day, all people are brought to the court of the Just Allah in order to see the consequence of their deeds.
The Day of Distinction, the Promised Day by God
Distinction means separation, and the “the Day of distinction” is the Resurrection Day, on which right and wrong, and the wrong-doers and the righteous people are separated from each other.
The Sun, a Brilliant Lamp in the Sky
The Tender God created the Earth as a place for the human to live on, and erected the seven skies, and ornamented the first sky with the stars and the planets.
Spiritual Reform in Ramadhan
With time, we have become more and more immune to inhumanity. We are becoming indifferent to injustice, corruption, and un-brotherly behaviour.
The Only Person Born in Holy Kaba
the 13th of the month of Rajab, twenty-three years before the migration of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) a child was born in the family of Abu Talib, the light of whom kindled the whole World. Kunaab Mecci narrates about his birth: "We and Abbas (Ibne Abdul Mutalib) were sitting together when suddenly we saw Fatima bint-e-Asad moving towards the Kaba in the condition having delivery pain and saying "Oh God I have faith in you and the Prophet (i.e., Abraham) who by your command laid the foundation of this house.