Imam Reza
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Ali’s Attraction: Secrets and Causes (Part 1)
What is the cause of Ali’s love and affection in hearts of men? The secret of love has not till today been discovered by anyone.
Ali(a.s.): The Voice of Human Justice
Out of the persons who have narrated the attributes of Imam Ali son of Abu Talib the author of Zakhair al-Uqba writes thus: "His stature was moderate and slightly short. His skin was ofwheaten colour and his beard was white and long. His eyes were large and black.
Imam Ali (AS): The Kaba of Belief
Certainly your Master (Wali) is Allah and His Prophet and those who believe, those who establish prayer and give charity while they bow (in prayer)." (Holy Qur’an 5:55)
Eid al-Ghadir
.(They said, and there was no apparent blindness (clearly).Your God, our guide, and you are our leader and you won"t find from among us, in this, any disobedient. He said to him: "Stand up O" Ali, for I ampleased to announce you Imam and guide after me,So whomever I was his leader (mawla), then this is his leaderSo be to him supporters in truth and followers,"There he prayed: "Allah! Be a friend and guide to his followersand be to the one who is Ali"s enemy, an enemy" Composed by Hassan ibn Thabit in Ghadir Khumm
What shape is the earth?
Today we can look at a globe and know that the earth is somewhat like a ball, a sphere. The Qur'an makes certain statements that led muslim scientists to understand long before their European counterparts that the earth is spherical.
Wonders of Allah in Social System of Ants
Ants live in colonies and a perfect division of labor exists amongst them. When we take a closer look at their systems, we shall also see that they have a pretty interesting social structure. It will also come to our attention that they are capable of sacrifice at a much higher level than humans are. One of the most interesting points is that - compared to humans - they do not know the concepts such as the rich-poor discrimination and the fight for power that are observed in our societies.
Ameerul Momenin (A.S) in the verses of Surah "the Family of Imran"
1. Verse 7 "He it is Who has revealed the Book to you; some of its verses are decisive, they are the basis of the Book, and others are allegorical; then as for those in whose hearts there is perversity they follow the part of it which is allegorical, seeking to mislead and seeking to give it (their own) interpretation"".
Early youth of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS)
Ali ibn Abu Talib describes this enlightening period of his age as under: The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) used to go to the Cave of Hira but nobody except he (pbuh) and I did know about it. At the time when the religion of Islam had not yet reached the homes, he (pbuh) and his wife Khatijah (SA) were the only Muslims.
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) and Holy War
Islam is the religion of peace and tranquility and does not like killing, plundering, and bloodshed. But if some one kills another without any reason then Islam has strong punishment to deal with him.
Self-Sacrifice and Devotion of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS)
There is no doubt to it that every body loves his soul and very rarely gets ready to sacrifice it for another person but because of the fact that Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) loved the soul of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) even more than his own one, he got prepared to lay his life for him.