Imam Reza
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The Verses of the Glorious Qur'an in the Praise of Imam Ali (A.S.)
This verse refers to the famous event of ' Mubahala ' which took place in the year 10 A.H
Ali’s Attraction: Secrets and Causes (Part 1)
What is the cause of Ali’s love and affection in hearts of men? The secret of love has not till today been discovered by anyone. It is not possible to evolve a formula saying that had it happened so this would have been the result and had it happened the other way that would have been the result. However, it has a secret.
What does Islam say about Abortion?
Women who have been victims of rape or incest naturally deserve sympathy and help. But a child conceived in this unfortunate manner still has a right to live. Of course this places an unwanted burden on the mother, but killing the child is not the right solution
Allah says in Holy Qur'an, "Tell anyone who argues with you(Muhammad) concerning it, once knowledge has come to you:' Come, let us call our children and your children, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves together; then let us plead, and place God's curse upon the liars
Peace on me the day I was born.(Quran 19:33)
And(remember) when the angels said: O Mary! Lo! Allah hath chosen thee and made thee pure, and hath preferred thee above (all) the women of creation.
Ali’s Virtues at Creation and Birth
Ali (A.S) was born on 13th of Rajab, thirty years after the year of the Elephant in Kaba. This virtue belongs only to him, for no one was ever born in Kaba except him neither in the past nor in the future.
Ali’s Genealogy (Part 1)
Beyond doubt, kinship with the Messenger of Allah is both a unique privilege and superiority over others. Hence, God considers the honor of kinship with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as part of the honor of nearest relations when we read in the Holy Qur’an: “and warn your nearest relations” (26:214).
Ali’s Genealogy (Part 2)
Imam Ali’s dignified mother was Fatimah bint Asad ibn Hashim ibn `Abd-Manaf, a lady who undertook to rear the Messenger of Allah in his childhood, fondling him on her lap. She was among the first women who believed in Allah and His messenger and immigrated to Medina with the Holy Prophet (PBUH). [1]
A righteous servant of God
If we purify our deed and creed for the sake of God, definitely it will help us achieve our goals in this world and in the afterworld. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam is most sublime example of acting, living, thinking, fighting and making peace only for the sake of God and in the way of God. All acts of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) without any exception were in the way and for the sake of Allah.
Our Deeds must be merely for the pleasure of God
The Commander of the Faithful, Ali bin Abi Talib, tried to follow the example of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam in his personal and social life, both as an individual and as a ruler. Prophet Muhammad is the perfect servant God