Imam Reza
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Lessons on Interpretation of the Hamd Surah
There is a class of people who have accomplished this: they have migrated in this way; and attained their goal (although in another sense their migration is continuing), and it had become incumbent upon God to reward them. There are others who have migrated but not yet reached the goal of being “overtaken by death.”
Lessons on Interpretation of the Hamd Surah
Last time I discussed the possibility that the expression “In the Name of God,” in every surah that it heads, is syntactically connected to the surah itself, or to the first part of its subject matter.
Lessons on Interpretation of the Hamd Surah
Lessons on Interpretation of the Hamd Surah (part 3)
Notice, too, that the Qur’an says, “Whatever is in the heavens and earth glorifies Him, whoever is in the heavens and earth…”?
Lessons on Interpretation of the Hamd Surah (part 2)
There are those who say that infinite space existed from the very beginning and that within infinitude, forms came into existence, followed first by vapors and gases and then by forms of life.
Lessons on Interpretation of the Hamd Surah (part 1)
I take refuge in God from Satan the accursed. In the Name of God, the Lord of Compassionate, the Merciful.
What God wants us to do?
People believe on God, People must understand.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 6)
Be aware that the holy words “All praise is for God”?
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 4)
As we all know that the coiner who has coined “fire” he has thought of fire””the worldly fire and all. What made him think of such fire in fact was the ordinary fire, because he was lack acknowledge about “The fire kind led by God which rises above the Hereafter.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 2)
The aim of observing prayer is, He said; to remember Him. After severe recalling another way of knowledge will be opened to the heart of the mystic and he will be attracted to the world of unity until the tongue of his heart utters “Praise is for God by God” and “You praise yourself” and “I refuge in you from This was a brief explanation of relation of the letter ba in bismillah and some details thereabout.