Imam Reza
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A role model for authorities of Islamic societies
The best model for the rulers of Islamic societies is the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam.
Imam Ali's Advice to Malek (Part 4)
Never Tyrannize the Servants of God I swear by God if I remain wakeful at night by standing on the prick of Sa'adan while my hands and feet have been shackled and pulled over the pricks and brushwood in the desert, I consider this act more favorable than meeting God and His Messenger on the Day of Resurrection while I have tyrannized some of the servants of God or usurped some things of worldly things.
Criteria of Rightful and Unlawful Leadership (Part 4)
True Leader and His Followers Regarding the relationship between the leader and his followers, Imam Ali (A.S) addressing some of his executives saying: “I have heard something about you. If it is correct and you have done something wrong as I have heard, you have indeed brought the wrath of your Lord, acted against the will of your leader and committed treason against our trust.”[i]
Criteria of Rightful and Unlawful Leadership (Part 3)
The core of rightful imamate and righteous leadership is to serve people and fulfill religious obligations, whereas the materialistic and despotic rulers tend to gain hegemony and their ultimate goal is materialism. “Do you expect me to gain victory by oppressing the people on whom I rule! Never, I swear by God! I will never behave like that as far as the world is on, as far as the stars glitter!”[i]
Criteria of Rightful and Unlawful Leadership (Part 2)
According to Imam Ali (A.S): “Know this for sure that the most merited person in view of God is the just Imam and leader who himself has been guided and who guides others. He is loyal to the recognized traditions and avoids innovations and heresy. The traditions are clear and they have signs and symbols, so are the innovations.
Spiritual Snippets: God as One’s Ear, Eye, Tongue, and Hand
It’s always a concern that many of us have: How can we reach a spiritual state where we are no longer bothered by worldly concerns and pestered by sensual thoughts?
Ali’s Virtues before His Birth
The orator of Khawarizm quoting `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud has reported that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: O `Abdullah! An angel came to me carrying a message from God who said: O Muhammad! Ask the prophets coming before you what they commissioned for? I said: You say what they were commissioned for? He answered: The very essence of their mission is based on the Wilayah of you and `Ali ibn Abi-Talib. [2]
Quranic Outlook Regarding the "Heart"
Perhaps I need not explain here that in the language of literature and mysticism the term heart does not mean the organ situated in the left side of the human body, which pumps blood into the blood vessels.
Effect of the religion on human rights
One of matters that has a special importance in the Islam and is emphasized in all aspects is the topic of the rights of human.
Parenthood is hard. Motherhood is even harder
Parenthood is hard. Motherhood is even harder. No amount of mental preparation helps you to deal with the actual physical and emotional investment your child will demand from you. As days turn into weeks, months and years, it starts to sink in that a ‘lifetime’ commitment is literally that – for life.