Imam Reza
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Lessons From Self-Confidence of the Prophets
Confidence in one’s self and confidence in Allah are often interrelated, That’s why when you study the personalities of prophets, you’ll find each of them teeming with self-confidence.
Prophethood by Sheikh Mohammad aal Yasin
We send the apostles only to give good news and to warn: so those who believe and mend (their lives),- upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve
Book Published: "The Rights of Believers in the Viewpoint of "Muhammad"
The English translation of the book "The Rights of Believers from the Viewpoint of Muhammad (PBUH), the Seal of Prophets" was published in the United States.
Hussein’s messenger
Who was Zaynab? Why do we look up to her? She was the granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad and Khadija, the daughter of Fatima az-Zahraa and Ali, the sister of the Youths of Paradise, Hassan and Hussein, and the beloved aunt of Imam Ali Zayn al Abideen. With such a blessed family, Zaynab had such perfect examples to look up to.
The Principle of Patience and Endurance
The Muslims wanted to attack the Jew, but the Noble Prophet said: No, don't lay a hand on him; I know how to deal with my friend. Then he started talking to the Jew kindly and patiently. He showed so much patience that the man reverted to Islam there and then and said: An ordinary man can't have such patience and you surely must be chosen by God and a Prophet. This patience is only the characteristic of the Prophets.
Some Messages about the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Part 1
O the Prophet of Truth, what can we write or say in your death; indeed, which pen is able to write down or who can talk about this great sorrow, heart-rending death and huge suffering?
Imam Ali (AS): The Kaba of Belief
Certainly your Master (Wali) is Allah and His Prophet and those who believe, those who establish prayer and give charity while they bow (in prayer)." (Holy Qur’an 5:55)
19th of Ramadhan (Shab-e-Zarbat) or Night of attack on Imam Ali (as) at Kufa Mosque
On the 19th of Ramadan month (Mah-e-Ramazan) of the year 40 A.H, Imam Ali (pbuh) came to the mosque in Kufa for his morning prayers. Imam Ali (pbuh) gave the call for prayer (Azaan) and became engaged in leading the congregation. Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam pretending to pray, stood just behind Imam Ali (pbuh), and when Imam Ali (pbuh) was in a state of prostration, Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam dealt a heavy stroke with his sword, inflicting a deep wound on Imam Ali’s (pbuh) head.
Special Fasting means keeping one's ears, eyes, tongue, hands and feet -- and all other organs -- free from sin.
Some Traditions on the Virtues of Imam Ali (A.S) (part1)
It is narrated that: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "He who wants to see Noah (A.S) in his determination, Adam (A.S) in his knowledge, Abraham (A.S) in his clemency, Moses (A.S) in his intelligence and Jesus (A.S) in his religious devotion should look at Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS)."