It has been said that a Jew stopped the Noble Prophet and claimed that he owes him money and demanded payment right away, in the street. The Prophet said: Firstly, I don't owe you anything, secondly (if you insist) allow me to go home and bring you money. The Jew said: I won't let you move a step. The holy Prophet showed patience and the man grabbed his cloak and started pulling it in a way that the neck of the Prophet got scratched. As the Noble Prophet was on his way to the mosque to say the prayers and it had become late, the people had become worried about him and came looking for him. They saw that he had been stopped by a Jew who was insulting him.
The Muslims wanted to attack the Jew, but the Noble Prophet said: No, don't lay a hand on him; I know how to deal with my friend. Then he started talking to the Jew kindly and patiently. He showed so much patience that the man reverted to Islam there and then and said: An ordinary man can't have such patience and you surely must be chosen by God and a Prophet. This patience is only the characteristic of the Prophets.
He has the patience of a glowing night
He has the patience of the fragrant flower
He has the patience of the lion in the midst of blood and milk
Turned him into the one that gives life to the baby camel
The patience of all the prophets in face of the non believers
Has turned them special and given the Holy Book
It was because of the immense patience and unprecedented endurance all difficulties were overcome and Islam triumphed. But preserving it is more important than gaining victory, which will be achieved under perseverance. God has reminded this to his Prophet and said:
“Continue then in the right way as you are commanded, as also he who has turned (to Allah) with you, and (O people) be not inordinate, surely He sees what you do.”
It has been quoted from Abdullah Ibn 'Abbas that no verse harsher than this had been sent to the Prophet, hence when his followers asked him why his hair had turned grey so fast and he had aged, he replied: Chapters Hud and Waqi'ah aged me.
Why was this verse so difficult for the Messenger of God? He was the role model, firm in guiding people in Jihad and in carrying out divine commandments of the Holy Qur'an. His 23-year divine mission since his formal appointment by God shows this; 13 years endurance in Mecca and 10 years of persistence in Medina. So, the second part of the verse and the decree for persistence for those who have turned to Allah with him is the part that has aged him. The decree: “Continue then in the right way as you are commanded” had been told to him before, but this time it was followed with “as also he who has turned (to Allah) with you.” Victory called for the resistance of those who had turned to him and the Noble Prophet was concerned about this. Imam Khomeini (R.A) writes in this regard:
“The Perfect Sheikh, Shah Abadi said: This verse had been mentioned in Surah ash-Shu'ara' too, but it was not followed by words “as also he who has turned (to Allah) with you.” The reason the Noble Prophet has named Surah Hud is that here God has asked for the steadfastness of the Ummah too and the Prophet (PBUH) feared the task might not be accomplished. He himself was a persistent person and even the symbol of justice.”
When this verse was revealed to the Prophet (PBUH), he turned to his Ummah and said: Gear up! Gear Up! It means it is time for working hard and no time for laxity and slackness. From then on, no one saw him smiling.
The Prophet (PBUH) was concerned about the future of the Ummah, as their wellbeing was tied to their endurance and persistence. Now the Noble Prophet (PBUH) was concerned about the Ummah; concerned they follow his path and teachings until they attain freedom in the real meaning of the word, along with honor and salvation. Imam Khomeini (R.A) says in this regard:
“The Noble Prophet said: my beard turned grey for this, I aged for this. He himself had endurance and steadfastness, but the reason was this particular wordings of the verse “as also he who has turned (to Allah) with you.” It means that he had the mission to make sure those who have turned to him have endurance and steadfastness too. You are those people!
“Our Lord! Bestow on us endurance, make our foothold sure, and give us help against the disbelieving folk.”