Imam Reza
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The Surah takes its name from the wordal-waqi`ah of the very first verse.
AR-RAHMAN (The Mercy-Giving)
This Surah is entitled Ar-Rahman, the word with which it begins. This title, however, deeply relates to the subject matter of the Surah too, for in it, from the beginning to the end, the manifestations and fruits of Allah's attribute of mercy and grace have been mentioned.
AL-QAMAR (The Moon)
The Surah takes its name from the very first verseWan shaqq al-Qamar, thereby implying that it is a Surah in which the word al-Qamar has occurred.
The Status of Women Before And After Islam (2)
This is a precautionary measure to guarantee honest transactions and proper dealings between people. In fact, it gives woman a role to play in civil life and helps to establish justice.
The Surah derived its name from the wordan-Naba in the second verse. This is not only a name but also a title of its subject matter, forNaba implies the news of Resurrection and Hereafter and the whole Surah is devoted to the same theme.
AL-QIYAMAH (Resurrection)
Except for the theme of monotheism, the Qur'an speaks more of the coming Qiyamah - also known as the Resurrection, the Day of Judgment, Day of Gathering, and the Great Announcement - than of any other topic.
AL-MUDDATHTHIR (The Man Wearing a Cloak)
The Surah takes its name from the word al- muddaththir in the first verse. This also is only a name, not a title of its subject matter.
The Splendor of the prophet of Islam (Part 1)
Previous Prophets mentioned some of the characteristics of the Prophet of Islam in their heavenly books, giving their followers the glad tidings of his future appearance.
Is Moses (A.S) Superior to Muhammad (PBUH)?
It is narrated from Imam Sadiq (A.S) that a Jew asked the holy prophet (PBUH): “Whether you are superior or the prophet Moses to whom God used to speak and had revealed Torah to him and had made his walking stick a miracle and had split the sea for him and had always shadowed him under the clouds?”
No Prophet Would Come After Him
When Allah made Muhammad (PBUH) Prophet, He designated him as the "Last Prophet". For this reason, from the very beginning of his mission! The Prophet of Allah told the people that he was the "last of the prophets", and that no prophet would come after him.