Saturday, March 10, 2018 10:12:40 PM

Except for the theme of monotheism, the Qur'an speaks more of the coming Qiyamah - also known as the Resurrection, the Day of Judgment, Day of Gathering, and the Great Announcement - than of any other topic.

"Confessing the Shahadah - "There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Prophet of God" - and believing in the accountability of all humans before God are the cement which holds Islam together.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), among other things, came to warn us of a time when truth would be known, when the thoughts and intentions of the heart would be revealed. He earnestly proclaimed as inevitable a day when accounts would be settled and when scales would be balanced.

Fazlur Rahman, in an oblique paraphrase of sura 50:22, said that Judgment Day is the "Hour when every human will be shaken into a unique and unprecedented self-awareness of his deeds; he will squarely and starkly face his own doings, not-doings, and mis-doings and accept the judgment upon them. . . . "

Something like a Final Judgment or Day of Reckoning is a naturally corollary of monotheism. If there is one God who knows all and sets standards of behavior for the world, there must be a time of judgment, or the edifice crumbles of its own weight."

This major theme and promise is upheld not only in the Qur'an, but also in other religious scriptures. Though opinions may differ on precise details it is generally believed that it is connected to a time of momentous upheaval, calamity and the end of Earth.

Hundreds of interpreters have written commentaries on it during the 14 centuries of its existence, and none have claimed to understand all of its various aspects and meanings. This website is an attempt to examine in detail what different verses in the Qur'an tell us about Qiyamah and to reconcile what might appear as differing, even contradictory descriptions of the event. It contains hundreds of intellectually challenging and severely critical pages vigorously demanding answers pertaining to and upholding this central theme of Islam. The result of a five-year research, this study compels Muslims not to allow themselves to pick and choose verses that suit their doomsday notion of Al-Qiyamah. Rather we must take the Qur'an in its entirety and examine those resurrection-related surahs and Sure Signs that have challenged our scholars over the centuries. As a result of their admitted shortcomings and apparent incomprehension, the scattered verses relating to Al-Qiyamah have been disfigured beyond recognition by mistranslations that reflect the views of the ulema. (It must be strongly emphasized that this website exclusively deals with resurrection-related surahs and nothing else. Thus the ulema is openly challenged to respond and deny the Great News that the Ummah, and the rest of humankind, are called upon to participate in and bear witness to the Resurrection Day and the self-reproaching Spirit. Till date no Muslim scholar has risen to the challenge.)

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