Imam Reza
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quranic miracles
Temet Nosce (Know Thyself)
Despite Satan’s deliberate disobedience and efforts to lead man astray, the scope of his influence is certainly limited. There are some who ‘rise above the influence’.
ʿIyādat al-Marīḍ, or “The Etiquette of Visiting the Sick” in Hadith-Narrations
“visiting the sick,” is an important Islamic moral commandment. It is the right of a Muslim, who is ill and bedridden, for other Muslims to make an effort to visit him and provide comfort.
Who Are the 99 Percent?
The word mustadhafeen (the downtrodden/oppressed) comes from the Arabic root da-aa-fa, meaning weak or feeble. However, when put onto the Arabic pattern of “Istif’aal” and becoming the word “mustadhafeen”, it takes on an entirely different meaning of: someone who has been pulled towards oppression or weakened and one who has been imprisoned (not physically) and relegated to a life of bondage of others.
Is Death the End?
Most people fear death. Why? Death has always been imagined to be a great, frightening monster, and just thinking about it takes away the sweetness of life.
The Quran on the cerebrum
Allah said in the Quran about one of the evil unbelievers who forbade the prophet muhammad (pbuh) from praying at the ka'abah: Let him beware! If he does not stop, we will take him by the forelock (front of the head), a lying, and sinful forelock! [Quran 96:15-16]
Our Top Quotes from The Compassionate Family
When God puts love in someone’s heart, even the ugliest face is made beautiful to his eyes. As the poet says
The Biographical Works
The Imamites compiled four main biographical works concerned with the domain of the present study in the 4th-5th/10th-11th centuries.
What does "Islamic society" mean? Imam Khamenei explains
An Islamic society is a society which tries to achieve the goals and ideals that Islam has delineated for humanity: a society in which there is justice, freedom, a society in which people play a role in running their country and determining their destiny, a society that enjoys national dignity and welfare, a society whose members do not suffer from poverty and hunger, a society with comprehensive advances in scientific, economic and political areas, a society that makes constant progress.
Quranic Outlook Regarding the "Heart"
Perhaps I need not explain here that in the language of literature and mysticism the term heart does not mean the organ situated in the left side of the human body, which pumps blood into the blood vessels.
The Inimitability Of The Holy Quran
In addition to the scientific and historical points of view, the Qur"an also possesses an astounding, inimitable style from the literary perspective.