Imam Reza
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Imam Ali (AS): The Kaba of Belief
Certainly your Master (Wali) is Allah and His Prophet and those who believe, those who establish prayer and give charity while they bow (in prayer)." (Holy Qur’an 5:55)
Imam Ali (a.s) in the eyes of his enemies
Three Bright Points in Ali's Life Here we mention three virtues of the Conquerer of Khayber:
Imam Ali (a.s) in the words of non Muslim Scholars
The attributes of Ali (pbuh) Out of the persons who have narrated the attributes of Imam Ali son of Abu Talib the author of Zakhairal-Uqba writes thus: "His stature was moderate and slightly short. His skin was of wheaten colour and his beard was white and long. His eyes were large and black.
The Luminous Gem of the Ka"ba
Whose born is similar to Ali"s (AS), who was born in Ka"ba?
Imam Ali in the eyes of Non-Muslims
"Ali was so popular even among the non-Muslims that when he died, all the Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians of Kufa, particularly their women and children who were personally looked after by Ali, lamented his death and wept as one does for one’s father.
The Imam of Mankind
"Verily, I make you the Imam for mankind..." (Holy Qur"an 2:124)
Velayat in the Quranic Context
As our dear readers may recall, we began our articles on Velayat in the Qur"an on the glorious occasion of the birth anniversary of Imam Ali (AS). And now we have the pleasure of presenting the final discussion under this heading - in this issue - which coincides with the anniversary of Eid-ul-Ghadir. We pray that this auspicious coincidence unfolds various spiritual and mystical secrets in all our hearts, at the end of this special year that has been named as the Year of Imam Ali (AS).
Eid al-Ghadir
.(They said, and there was no apparent blindness (clearly).Your God, our guide, and you are our leader and you won"t find from among us, in this, any disobedient. He said to him: "Stand up O" Ali, for I ampleased to announce you Imam and guide after me,So whomever I was his leader (mawla), then this is his leaderSo be to him supporters in truth and followers,"There he prayed: "Allah! Be a friend and guide to his followersand be to the one who is Ali"s enemy, an enemy" Composed by Hassan ibn Thabit in Ghadir Khumm
Whose good deeds are accepted?
Once again, according to numerous hadiths that Sunnis have narrated, the condition for the acceptance of good deeds by Allah (swt) is the acceptance of the succession and imamate of Imam Ali (A.S).
Imam Ali (A.S) in different verses of Qur’an
Sura Tawba (The Repentance) 1. Verse 33 "He it is Who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, that He might cause it to prevail over all religions, though the polytheists may be averse" Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) said, "True deen is wilayat of Moula Ali (A.S)." (Usool e Kafi Kitab e Hujjat chapter 107 hadith no 91)