Imam Reza
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The Great Virtues of Imam Ali (Part 3)
"O Kumail, no doubt these hearts (i.e. minds) are containers, and the best of them are those who retain most.
The Vastness of Imam Ali’s Knowledge
The Shia think that the knowledge of the prophets is covert and that God has revealed it to him by inspiration and then they vest it in their successors at the last gasp.
Imam Ali's Advice to Malek (Part 3)
Malek and Justice Therefore, your best saving should be your meritorious deeds. Therefore, exercise control over your carnal desires and passions; resent what is not permissible and admissible for one's self.
The Power of Knowledge
Yet there is one statement by Aristotle that every Muslim scholar would agree with: "The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead."
The concept of knowledge in Islam (2)
The concept of knowledge
Study of the Qur'an
As most people in the West have been brought up on misconceptions concerning Islam and the Qur'an; for a large part of my life, I myself was one such person. Let me cite one or two specific examples to indicate the kind of inaccurate ideas generally current.
Ethical Teachings of the Qur’an (Part 1)
A-VALUES The real goal of man, according to the Qur'an, is the assimilation of divine attributes. These attributes, as also shown in the same chapter, can be summarized as life, eternity, unity, power, truth, beauty, justice, love, and goodness.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 18)
Know that the blessed Surah al-Fatihah (the Opening), as it contains all the stages of existence, also contains all the stages of conducts and, further, it contains, by way of allusion [isharah], all the objectives of the Qur’an.
Lessons on Interpretation of the Hamd Surah (part 2)
There are those who say that infinite space existed from the very beginning and that within infinitude, forms came into existence, followed first by vapors and gases and then by forms of life.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 12)
Do know that concerning the ‘Arsh and its carriers there are different opinions. Similarly, the noble narratives outwardly differ, too, although inwardly there is no difference, since, according to the Gnostic view and demonstrative way, the ‘Arsh covers so many meanings.