Imam Reza
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A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 8)
Do know that “praising” is for a “favor”. From the noble verse, it is deduced that praising and extolment are confirmed for the state of the Greatest Name as the all-embracing Name, which has the state of being the Lord of the worlds, “the Beneficent,” “the Merciful” and “the Master of the Day of Judgment.” So, these noble Names, i.e. “Rabb,” “Rahman” and “Malik” should have an effective role in the praising.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 5)
Be aware that the knowledgeable and the formalists have said that; “Praising” is thanking by the tongue for a voluntary favor and, as they are unknown of all tongues except this fleshly organ, they consider all praising and glorifying God, or rather all the utterances of the Sacred Essence to be a kind of figurative speech.
Tafsir Surah Al-Ma"arij (The Ways of Ascent) part 3
The Boundless Knowledge of God (part 2)
A certain thinker once said, Our world resembles a great idea more than it does a great machine. As a theory or a scientific definition, it can be said that the world is the product of a great idea, the manifestation of a thought and an idea superior to our own.
The Boundless Knowledge of God (part 1)
A Creator Who cannot be circumscribed by place, for Whose Essence no limit is conceivable, of Whose being not a single part of the heavens and earth is empty-such a Creator is naturally aware of all things; there is nothing throughout the whole scheme of being on which the bright rays of His knowledge do not shine.
How does the Quran present God? (part 2)
In other verses, man's attention is drawn to the manner of his creation and gradual emergence from non-being. He, thus, comes to realize that his remarkable creation, with all the wonders it contains, is a sign and indication of the infinite divine will, the penetrating rays of which touch all beings.
How does the Quran present God? (part 1)
When we wish to assess the scientific personality and knowledge of a scholar, we examine his works and subject them to close study. Similarly, in order to measure the talent, creativity and ability of an artist to invent original images, we undertake the study of his artistic production.
Alteration of Day and Night, scientific Signs in the Noble Qur’an for people of understanding
In the Noble Qur’an,wherever the word ‘Sign(s)’ is used it reveals that something is going to be known for the guidance of those who contemplate over the mysteries of contents in that verse.
Jathiya (Crouching)
It is derived from the word jathiya in verse 28.
The Badaa and its significance (Part 1)
There are many pieces of evidence in the Qur’an and the traditions expressing that Allah may change what He has already willed and He may initiate a new will. However, there is an exception for His Sunan and His promises that He has chosen not to change at all.