Imam Reza
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Surat ar Roum The Romans
One of the important topics discussed in Sura ar¬Rum is the proof of the Creator present in the many wonders of creation around us.- Chapter 30
Tafsir Surah Al-Maarij (The Ways of Ascent) part 12
Tafsir Surah Al-Maarij (The Ways of Ascent) part 6
Collection of Revelation during the Prophet's Lifetime
During his last pilgrimage, at the sermon which he gave to the large gathering of Muslims, the Prophet said: 'I have left with you something which if you will hold fast to it you will never fall into error- a plain indication, the book of God and the practice of his prophet. [Ibn Hisham, p. 651.]
Surat ad Dukhan The Smoke
The sura derives its name from ayat no.10 which warns of a clearly visible smoke descending on the unbelievers. Some commentators believe it refers to the smoke which will envelop the world before the day of Judgement, and which will be especially painful for the unbelievers.
Al – Munafiqun (Hypocrites)HHHh
The Sura takes its name from the sentenceIdha jaa kal-munafiquna of verse 1. This is the name of the Sura as well as the title of its subject matter, for in it a review has been made of the conduct and attitude of the hypocrites themselves.
Saffat (Drawn Up in Ranks)
The name is derived from the word was saffat with which the Surah begins.
Al-Furqan (The Standard)
The Surah takes its name "Al-Furqan" from the first verse. Though it is symbolic like the names of many other Surahs it has a close relation to its subject matter.
Mu'minun (Believers)
The surah takes its name Al-Mu'minun from the first verse.
This Sura takes its name from v. 33. Al-i-Imran like the names of many other suras is merely a name to distinguish it from other suras and does not imply that the family of Imran has been discussed in it.