Imam Reza
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Russia Renews Israel's Full Responsibility for Its Plane Crash
The Russian Defense Ministry reiterated that the Israeli entity bears full responsibility for the downing of the Russian plane, El 20, off the coast of Latakia last Monday evening.
EU Should Take Greater Responsibility for Migrants: EU. FM
European Union (EU) Foreign Minister, Federica Mujerini, on Thursday called on member states to "take more responsibility" and ensure the continuation of the EU operation to rescue migrants and combat human trafficking in the Mediterranean.
Imam Zaman (a.s.) and Shaikh-e-Mufeed (r.a.)
If we turn the pages of history we will find numerous examples of personalities who have enlivened Islam through their sacrifices of life and wealth. One such personality is Abu Abdullah Muhammad Haaris Akbari famous as Shaikh Mufeed (r.a.). Mufeed implies the one who benefits others. He was born approximately seven years after the commencement of Ghaibat-e-Kubra in the month of Zilqad, 336 A.H. in the north of Baghdad.
An Ecological Reading of the Qur’anic Understanding of Creation
Mr. Jose Abraham is Lecturer in the Department of Religion and Culture at the United Theological College, Bangalore, India. This article is from the book Bangalore Theological Forum, Vol. XXXIII, No. 1, published by the Untied Theological College, 2001. This material was prepared for Religion Online by Ted and Winnie Brock.
The Boundless Knowledge of God (part 3)
The Quran says: God is aware of all that exists on the face of the earth and in the depths of the oceans. He knows of every leaf that falls and every seed that is hidden in the darkness of the earth. All things, fresh and dry, are clear and evident to Him. (6:59)
AL-JUMU`A (Friday)
It is derived from the sentenceidha nudiya-lis-salat-imin-yaum-il- Jumu'ati of verse 9. Although in this Surah injunctions about the Friday congregational Prayer also have been given, yet "Jumu'ah" is not the title of its subject-matter as a whole, but this name too, like the names of other Surahs, is only a symbolic title.
The Role of the Mother in Viewpoint of Islam (2)
When a baby is born, he is totally unaware of the outside world. The mother plays an important part in introducing him to the world.
Leader's Statements at Sharif University of Technology - Nov 22, 1999
The following is a summary of the statements made by Grand Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, in a meeting with the students and academics at Sharif University of Technology on November 22, 1999.