Imam Reza
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Dua on sighting the new moon of Ramadhan
The new moon of Ramadhan is special to Muslims. It announces the start of the holy month and the beginning of the blessings and mercy associated with Ramadhan. According to the Holy Prophet (s) whoever sees the new moon of Ramadhan should recite the following Du'a.*
Surat ar Roum The Romans
One of the important topics discussed in Sura ar¬Rum is the proof of the Creator present in the many wonders of creation around us.- Chapter 30
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 18)
Know that the blessed Surah al-Fatihah (the Opening), as it contains all the stages of existence, also contains all the stages of conducts and, further, it contains, by way of allusion [isharah], all the objectives of the Qur’an.
A Commentary on the Hamd Surah (part 3)
The knowledgeable have said that; “Beneficent and merciful have been taken from mercy and that both indicate hyperbole, but in Beneficent the exaggeration is much more than exaggeration in mercy.
Surah al-Fatihah: Interpretation of Iyyaka na‘bud wa iyyaka nasta‘in (part 5)
“Iyyaka na‘bud wa iyyaka nasta‘in” {You {alone} do we worship and to You {alone} do we turn for help}
Surah al-Fatihah: Interpretation of Al-hamdulillah Rabb al-‘alamin (part 2)
The word “Allah” Some people have regarded the word “Allah” to be derived from “اَلِهَ” “aliha” meaning “عَبَدَ” “‘abada”.
There is no prayer without the Opening of the Book (fatihah al-kitab)
After the recital of Takbirah al-Ihram, Surah al-Fatihah is to be recited and if this surah is not recited in the prayer, the prayer is invalid. “There is no prayer without the Opening of the Book {fatihah al-kitab}.”(1)
Each Angles has a Specific Mission
An-Naziat (The life Grabbers) This surah was revealed in Mecca and has 46 verses. Naziat are the angles who drag the souls (of the sinners) out forcefully. The title has been taken from its first verse.
Camel: A useful animal in the Service of Mankind (Part 1)
Camel is the most useful domestic animal; a powerful, tame and enduring beast. Camel is able to carry large loads and she sits on the ground for us to put the load on her back, which makes loading her easy.
Earth as a Big Cradle
The Earth is the place of living, rest and comfort for mankind.