Imam Reza
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imam ali
Sincerity of deeds is the key to salvation
One of the key personality traits of Imam Ali (PBUH) is sincerity. Sincerity in essence means purity of intention against polytheism, hypocrisy, and sensual desires on the one hand and having pure love and affection on the other. Sincerity, in other words, means rejection of hypocrisy. Hence, a sincere person is one who seeks nothing but divine satisfaction and pleasure of God in his deed and creed.
A righteous servant of God
If we purify our deed and creed for the sake of God, definitely it will help us achieve our goals in this world and in the afterworld. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam is most sublime example of acting, living, thinking, fighting and making peace only for the sake of God and in the way of God. All acts of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) without any exception were in the way and for the sake of Allah.
A role model for authorities of Islamic societies
The best model for the rulers of Islamic societies is the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam.
A glance at the political life of Imam Ali (A.S)
Many believe that when someone enters the turbulent scene of politics and state management he has to ignore some ethical rules and principles in order to be able to manage the society in the best possible way.
Ethical Precept in Assuming the Leadership of Islamic Society
Imam Ali (A.S) did not violate any ethical rules in assuming the leadership of the Islamic society. He never committed inhuman acts in safeguarding his reign.
Observing Ethical Principles in Fighting the Enemy
History bears eloquent testimony to the fact that Imam Ali (A.S) in his career as the leader of Muslim community never violated ethical principles in exercising politics.
The Justice of Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S) and Us
It’s said that Imam Ali (A.S) was killed because of his excessive emphasis on practicing of and adhering to justice. After the demise of the third Caliph, people thronged Imam Ali (A.S) to accept the reins of Islamic government.
Criteria of Rightful and Unlawful Leadership (Part 3)
The core of rightful imamate and righteous leadership is to serve people and fulfill religious obligations, whereas the materialistic and despotic rulers tend to gain hegemony and their ultimate goal is materialism. “Do you expect me to gain victory by oppressing the people on whom I rule! Never, I swear by God! I will never behave like that as far as the world is on, as far as the stars glitter!”[i]
Criteria of Rightful and Unlawful Leadership (Part 2)
According to Imam Ali (A.S): “Know this for sure that the most merited person in view of God is the just Imam and leader who himself has been guided and who guides others. He is loyal to the recognized traditions and avoids innovations and heresy. The traditions are clear and they have signs and symbols, so are the innovations.
Temet Nosce (Know Thyself)
Despite Satan’s deliberate disobedience and efforts to lead man astray, the scope of his influence is certainly limited. There are some who ‘rise above the influence’.