Imam Reza
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imam ali
Examples of Imam Ali’s (A.S) Moral Virtues (part 6)
Recompense In the eighth year after Hijrah, Mecca was conquered by Allah’s Messenger. The House of Allah was purified from the filth of idols with Ali’s idol-breaking act.
Examples of Imam Ali’s (A.S) Moral Virtues (part 5)
Examples of Imam Ali’s (A.S) Moral Virtues (part 4)
Charity Changes People On the above-mentioned story, ibn `Abbas, commenting on the following holy verse, “Men whom neither merchandise nor selling diverts from the remembrance of Allah… without measure (24:37-38)” says: The occasion of the revelation was that one day the Holy Prophet gave Ali three hundred Dinars, which they had given to him as gift.
Examples of Imam Ali’s (A.S) Moral Virtues (part 2)
In the battle field, Ali hugged al-Zubayr, saying, “Why have you rebelled against me?” Al-Zubayr said, “I have come to take the revenge of `Uthman!” Ali said, “May God kill either of us who has had a hand in the killing of `Uthman.”
Examples of Imam Ali’s (A.S) Moral Virtues (part 1)
The Battle Of Camel Imam Ali (A.S) made his utmost effort not to enter battle so that no one would be killed. When he was informed in Medina that the leaders of the Camel Army have left Mecca for Basrah, he quickly left Medina to hold talks with them.
Broterhood, Courage, And Loyalty In Abbas Bin Ali
Who was Abbas (peace be upon him), whose birth anniversary is being celebrated this week?
Ziyarah of Imam al-Husayn
Ziyarah of Imam al-Husayn on the Fifteenth of Sha`ban
The Birth Aniversary
The Birth Aniversary Of Imam Husain (A.S), Imam Al-Sajjad (AS) And Hazrat Abbas (AS)
The Period of Imam as-Sajjad (A.S.)
The period of Imam as-Sajjad (‘a) can be divided into two stages: The first stage covers the events after the martyrdom of Imam al-Husayn (‘a), the destabilization of the Umayyad rule and finally the end of rule of the Sufyanis (descendants of Abu Sufyan) and the succession to power of the Marwanis (descendants of Marwan ibn al-Hakam), the internal struggle among the Umayyads and their entanglement with the uprisings and revolts up to the stabilization of the rule of the Marwanis.
The Biography of Imam Sajjad
The 4th Imam after Imam Hussain(a.s.) was his son Imam Ali Zain-al-Abideen(a.s.). His mother was Bibi Shahar Bano who was a princess from Persia, the daughter of the Kind Yazd Gard II.