Imam Reza
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prophet muhammad
Islam for Beginners: STARTING POINT OF ISLAM
Islam is often referred to as the 'Natural Religion' because its dynamism has withstood the test of time,
Responding to Some Points Raised By Ibn Khaldun (Part 2)
Responding to Some Points Raised By Ibn Khaldun (Part 1)
Ayatollah Khamenei: Lady Fatima was an ocean of wisdom and piety
Fatima Zahra (as) is superior to all great and saintly women throughout history. What factors, forces and what kind of inner strength could make a person become such an ocean of wisdom, piety, sanctity and spiritual transcendence in such a short time? This is a miracle of Islam.
The Night Supplication (Du'a)
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. O Allah, I beg to request You that I have no knowledge of the estuaries of my provisions and I no doubt seek it because of the uncertainties springing in my heart so I hustle about in the cities in seeking it.
Reflections on Munajat Sha'baniyyah (4)
Reflecting on this prayer and other prayers, a question may arise: why is it that most of the time the end results are asked from God
Reflections on Munajat Sha'baniyyah (2)
مُتَضرِّعاً اِلَيْكَ، راجِياً لِما لَدَيْكَ ثَوابي I am humble before You, hopeful for what You have in terms of a reward.
The Holy Prophet’s Prayer
may Allah have mercy on him, has narrated, through an authenticated chain of authority, that when he was asked about Ja`far al-±ayy¡r’s Prayer, Imam al-Ri¤¡ (`a) said, “Have you known about the Holy Prophet’s Prayer? Perhaps, the Holy Prophet (¥) had never offered Ja`far al-±ayy¡r’s Prayer and Ja`far al-±ayy¡r had never offered the Holy Prophet’s Prayer.” When the asker asked him to teach him that prayer, Imam al-Ri¤¡ (`a) said,
The Power of Knowledge
Yet there is one statement by Aristotle that every Muslim scholar would agree with: "The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead."
Collection and Transmission of the Qur’an
The Qur’an we have with us today is the very one – word for word -- which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (sws).