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Imam Hussain
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Imam Ali (A.S) asked Meesam: "What is your name"? "Saalim", he replied.
Abbas (A.S)-The Standard Bearer of Hussein A.S part 3
But that was not to be. An arrow had pierced the water-bag and water had started gushing out of it. Was it water that was flowing out of that bag or the hopes of Abbas?
Abbas (A.S)-The Standard Bearer of Hussein A.S part 2
How that wretch had scampered from there seeing him roaring like an enraged lion. The thought of that unpleasant interlude contracted his brows. Or was it the excruciating pain he was suffering on account of the deep gashes he had all over his body?
Abbas (A.S) - The Standard Bearer of Hussein A.S part 1
The shifting sand dunes of Karbala were smeared with blood. Near one of wash dunes, on the bank of Alkoma, lay the prostrate figure of a youth with blood gushing out from innumerable wounds.
Greetings to Rogahye, little daughter of Imam Hussein
Sayyeda Hazrat Zainab (s.a.) and Imamate
In her life Zainab (s.a.) always saw the evildoers, oppressors, insurgents and breakers of covenants defy the truth and Imam Ali (a.s.), the supporter of the truth and justice had to quell their revolts. Finally, an evil hand gave Imam Ali (a.s.) a stroke from a poisoned sword on his head in the mosque of Kufa. After Imam Ali (a.s.), his son Imam Hassan (a.s.) became the Caliph. Hassan was also greatly oppressed until at last he signed a peace treaty with the ruler of that time and moved to Kufa in the company of Zainab, her husband, and his own companions. Imam Hassan (a.s.) was poisoned by his treacherous wife Joda, by the order of the Caliph of that time. After Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain (a.s.) became the Imam, but the ruler of Syria Mavia violated the peace treaty and appointed his son Yazid as his successor and insisted that Imam Hussain (a.s.) should pledge allegiance to him. Imam Hussain refused to pledge allegiance and made up his mind to move to Mecca.
Hadhrat Abbas, one of the bravest of the Prophet’s followers
Hazrat Abbas was the son of Hazrat Ali ibne Abi Talib. His mother’s name was Fatima Binte Hazam bin Khalid Ibn-e-Rabi’e Ibn-e-Amer Kalbi. She was also known as ‘Ummul Baneen’. She belonged to the clan of Banu Kilah, which was one the noblest families amongst the Hashimites and famous for the bravery and valour of its warriors.
Ali Akbar, The Hashimite Prince