Imam Reza
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Iranian Cultural Center Published Quranic Books in Thai
The Thai translations of two books, one featuring Quranic stories for children and the other a scholarly work about the Holy Book, were published in Thailand.
The Principles of Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)
The subject under consideration here is the 'ilm, or knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence, usul ul fiqh. The two studies of jurisprudence and its principles are interconnected.
Examples of Politeness of Hazrat Abulfazl (A.S)
It is narrated that Hazrat Abulfazl Al-Abbas (A.S) never sat next to Imam Hussein (A.S) without permission; he asked for permission and when he was allowed, he sat very politely. (1)
Principle of Leading a Simple Life part 2
The Holy Prophet is a perfect exemplar of leading a simple life Imam Ali (A.S) said in description of his character as following:
Ghadir in Qur"an
Love for the Messenger of Allah, attachment towards his Ahl Al-Bayt (pbut) and their obedience are the factors which lead to success in this world and salvation in the Hereafter. Otherwise, man will stray off from the right path and enter the lane which only ends at Hell, never able to get out from it.
Ghadir khumm
"Today I have perfected your religion and completed my favor upon you, and I was satisfied that Islam be your religion."(Qur"an 5:3)
Our Deeds must be merely for the pleasure of God
The Commander of the Faithful, Ali bin Abi Talib, tried to follow the example of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam in his personal and social life, both as an individual and as a ruler. Prophet Muhammad is the perfect servant God
Condolence on the death of Fatima
" Whoever injures Fatima, injures me; and whoever injures me injures Allah;
Ali’s Virtues before His Birth
The orator of Khawarizm quoting `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud has reported that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: O `Abdullah! An angel came to me carrying a message from God who said: O Muhammad! Ask the prophets coming before you what they commissioned for? I said: You say what they were commissioned for? He answered: The very essence of their mission is based on the Wilayah of you and `Ali ibn Abi-Talib. [2]
The Shi'ite Islam (2)
The Historical Backround Of Shiism Chapter 1 The Origin And Growth Of Shiism