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the noble quran
Grammatical Errors in the Qur'an
Mr. P. Newton with Mr. Rafiqul-Haqq has written an article titled: "Grammatical Errors in the Qur'an" (1) . He writes: "Muslims claim the Qur'an not just to be a human literary masterpiece, but a divine literary miracle. But this claim does not square with the facts. For the Qur'an, which we have in our hands contains obvious grammatical errors which is plain to see for all who know Arabic".
Translating the Untranslatable: A Survey of English Translations of the Qur'an
Despite the historical fact that the early Muslim community's stand on the translation of the Arabic text of the Qur'an was ambivalent, as indeed, the general Muslim attitude remains so to this day, the act of translation may be logically viewed as a natural part of the Muslim exegetical effort.
The Translation Of The Quran: A Selective Bibliography
This selective bibliography has been collected from a long array of sources. It constitutes a carefully selected list of articles, books, and specialist bibliographies that address various aspects of the translation of the Qur'an: its rulings, problems, history, and extant translations in different languages. mmad Ali Muhammad Abou Sheishaa Department of Islamic Studies in English, Al-Azhar University
From Where and For What I Came Here and Where I am Going?
These are the first questions, which are asked by the original nature of human being. These questions arise in everyone’s heart. What is the aim of our life? For what are we created? What is the way of our happiness? But most of the people have stifled this human nature. They have engaged in other things. Otherwise all seek happiness, by nature.
Seven tips for improving your relationship with the Quran
Study the Noble Quran Word-for-Word Are you one of those people who rarely touches the Quran? Or do you read daily, but don't find it is having the impact on you that it should? Whatever the case may be, these are some simple tips that can help you connect with the Quran.
Surat ar Roum The Romans
One of the important topics discussed in Sura ar¬Rum is the proof of the Creator present in the many wonders of creation around us. In ayats 20¬-25, and then ayats 46¬54 of the Sura, Allah talks about His signs present in the creation of the world and in human beings, in the wisdom behind the system running in the Universe, and the power and mercy of Allah so evident in the working of the world. There is an invitation to ponder over these signs, to gain a firm and undoubtful faith in the Creator.