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The Translation Of The Quran: A Selective Bibliography

This selective bibliography has been collected from a long array of sources. It constitutes a carefully selected list of articles, books, and specialist bibliographies that address various aspects of the translation of the Qur'an: its rulings, problems, history, and extant translations in different languages. mmad Ali Muhammad Abou Sheishaa Department of Islamic Studies in English, Al-Azhar University


The list also includes a number of translations for their introductions are of some value for the history and problems involved in translating the Qur'an.

1. Background

This bibliography is the fruit of a series of studies on the translation of the Qur’an conducted by its author. The most recent of these studies is still in progress and thus the bibliography is liable to extend as long as this research (MA thesis) is still in progress. I personally consulted all the sources I quoted in this bibliography. Believing that selective or specialist bibliographies are of great importance in providing researches with direct access to references in specific fields of study, I hope it will be of some academic benefit.

I personally benefited from a selective bibliography published in the biannual journal Tarjumān-e Wahy


which guided me to some important references in the field. Due to the difficulties and shortcomings involved in general bibliographic references as well as the gabs they contain, the bibliographies made by specialists may prove to be of much benefit due to its scope and value. Since European bibliographies rarely mention Arabic references I tried to mention as much as I can of the most valuable of these in this field. As for European sources, apart from my own experience, I depended also on Index Islamicus. Of European sources, English are the most quoted ones not only due to their abundance but also because of my limited knowledge of other European languages, which I regret. This may be a shortcoming of this bibliography.

Though I mentioned here only the references I quoted in my studies, I tried my best to conduct the most important references in other European languages. Another shortcoming may be related to the disappearance of some Oriental languages namely Turkish, Urdu, and Farsi for I mentioned only the sources I consulted. However, the sources I mentioned here can mostly refer the reader to such not-mentioned references; for example, Tarjumān-e Wahy includes an extensive bibliography


of Farsi articles, etc.

2. The Bibliography

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Asad, Muhammad, The Message of the Qur’ān, Dar al-Andalus, Gibraltar, 1980, i-viii.

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Bucaille, Maurice, “On Translation of the Holy Qur’an”, in The Muslim World League Journal, vol. 13, 1406/1986, pp. 10-13.

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Chang, Fadlullah Abu-Bakr, “The Translations of the Holy Qur’an in Japanese language”, in Proceedings of the Symposium on Translations of the Meanings of the Holy Qur’an, IRCICA, Istanbul, 21 March 1986.

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