Imam Reza
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> Ahl-Ul-Bayt
Basic Beliefs and Principles
Islamic History and Civilization
The Holy Prophet
Imam Ali (A.S)
Hazrat Zahra (A.S)
Imam Hassan (A.S)
Imam Hussein (A.S)
Imam Sadjad (A.S)
Imam Baqir (A.S)
Imam Sadiq (A.S)
Imam Kadhim (A.S)
Imam Reza (A.S)
Imam Javad (A.S)
Imam Hadi (A.S)
Imam Askari (A.S)
Imam Mahdi (A.S)
Virtues of Hazrat Khadijah (Part 1)
The great lady of Islam passed away in the 10th Hejira year at the age of 65. She supported the Prophet (PBUH) in his mission for 25 years sacrificing her life and wealth. Her death was a great loss to the Prophet (PBUH). Her sorrowful death happened three days after the death of Abu Talib, the great and affectionate supporter of the Prophet (PBUH). The two deaths made the Prophet (PBUH) so sorrowful that he named that year, i.e. 10th Hegira year, the “year of grief”. The grieving and crying Prophet (PBUH) buried the dead body of Khadijah in a place known as Hujun.
Intercession in the Traditions
In order to interpret the Qur’anic concept of intercession, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam and his true successors in their remarks referred to it as an Islamic principle.
In Memory of Hazrat Khadijah (S.A)
Imam Ali (A.S) used to talk in memory of Hazrat Khadijah (S.A) on various occasions. He once referred to the Prophet (PBUH) defending Khadijah: “One day the Prophet (PBUH) cried in memory of Khadijah while he was among his wives. …” The Prophet also frequently said: Khadijah was the first woman to believe in me.
The Praiseworthy Station and Intercession by the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
According to Islamic traditions, the holy face of the Prophet (PBUH) of Islam shines on the roof of the Status of Intercession, which is the very Praiseworthy Station. He appears in the status and showers the light of his intercession on the Ummah.
Hazrat Ma’soomah (PBUH) and struggle against Bani Abbas
Imam Reza (Peace Be Upon Him) had many sisters. Amongst them, Hazrat Ma’soomah (Peace Be Upon Her) treads a different path similar to the path pursued by Hazrat Zeinab (Peace Be Upon Her)
Reward of going on a pilgrimage to the shrine of Hazrat Ma’soomah (PBUH)
There are four traditions from three Imams on the reward for pilgrimage to Ma’soomah’s shrine. (Tuhfat ul Muzafariya)
Zeinab of Imam Reza: A glance at the life of Hazrat Ma’soomah (PBUH): part 3
Hazrat Najmah is the mother of Imam Reza and Hazrat Ma’soomah (Peace Be upon Them). Tens of names and epithets have been mentioned by historical books related to Hazrat Najmah such as Najmah, Toktam, Taherah, Om-al-Baneen, Samanah, etc. She was a noble lady during her time and based on a true dream by Imam Kazem’s mother, Hamidah, Najmah was married to Imam Kazem (Peace Be Upon Him).
Zeinab of Imam Reza: A glance at the life of Hazrat Ma’soomah (PBUH): part 2
Zeinab of Imam Reza: A glance at the life of Hazrat Ma’soomah (PBUH): part 1
Intercession in the Holy Qur’an
There are about 25 verses about intercession in the Holy Qur’an. The word intercession (Shafa’at) and other words derived from it have been repeated 30 times in the Qur’an. The repetition of the words underline the significance of the issue of intercession. These verses may be divided into seven groups.