Monday, February 5, 2018 10:08:50 PM
Intercession in the Traditions

In order to interpret the Qur’anic concept of intercession, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam and his true successors in their remarks referred to it as an Islamic principle.

There are thousands of traditions on intercession and its requirements in the Sunni and Shia sources. Some of these traditions are mentioned below.

1. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam said: The Almighty God has blessed me with five privileges, one of which is intercession. I have kept it for my Ummah, for those who are not infidels.

2. Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: On the intercession of Fatima Ma’soomah all deserving Shias will go to heaven.”‌

3. On the interpretation of the Qur’anic verse “perhaps your lord will raise you to a praiseworthy station,”‌ the Holy Prophet said: It is the very status in which I intercede for my Ummah.”‌

4. The Holy Prophet of Islam said: “I will be the first to intercede and will be the first whose intercession is accepted on the Day of Judgment.”‌

5. He also said: The happiest man due to my intercession on the Day of Judgment will be the one who says: There is no God, but Allah, while being sincere and honest in heart.

6. In another tradition, he said: Anyone who is a Muslim will enjoy my intercession on the Day of Judgment.

7. The Holy Prophet of Islam said: Indeed, I hope that I will intercede for as many Muslims as the number of trees and stones on the earth.

8. He also said: Those who seek God’s blessings for Mohammad and say: O God, place him on the status of proximity to thyself on the Day of Judgment, will definitely receive my intercession.

9. He also said: I will be the one to intercede in the heaven.

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