Sunday, February 4, 2018 9:09:30 PM
Intercession in the Holy Qur’an

There are about 25 verses about intercession in the Holy Qur’an. The word intercession (Shafa’at) and other words derived from it have been repeated 30 times in the Qur’an. The repetition of the words underline the significance of the issue of intercession. These verses may be divided into seven groups.

The verses referring to the divine permission for intercessors:

Who is he that shall intercede with Him except by his permission! (2: 255)

There is no intercessor except by His permission (10: 3)

Intercession with him will not help, except for him to whom he gives permission (34: 23)

On that day intercession will not benefit them except him that has received the permission of the merciful and whose words are pleased by him. (20: 109)

The Holy Prophet of Islam said: “I intercede with Him on the Day of Judgment and my intercession is accepted; and Ali will intercede with Him and his intercession is accepted and my Household will intercede with Him and their intercession is accepted as well.”‌

Those whom they call upon, other than Him, have no power to intercede (for them), except those that have knowingly borne witness to the truth. (43: 86)

They shall not control intercession, save he who has made a covenant with the beneficent Allah. (19: 87)

And they offer no intercession except for those who are acceptable, and they stand in awe and reverence of His (glory). (21: 28)

The above verses indicate that some people enjoy the intercession status.

Translated by: Sadroddin Musawi

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