Imam Reza
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Hazrat Fatima Ma’soomah too intercedes
Fatima Ma’soomah too intercedes and the expanse of her intercession encompasses the entire history of Islam. The reason for qualification of Fatima Ma’soomah to intercede is explained in a tradition handed down from Prophet of Islam:
The Mother of Her Sons (Part 1)
Lady Fatima, daughter of Hizam bin Khalid bin Rabi, more commonly referred to as Lady Ummul Baneen (peace be upon her), ranks among the most esteemed and pious of Muslim women to this date and will remain so due to her courage, piety, and steadfastness towards the Prophet and his Household (peace be upon them).
Jafar ibn Abi Talib
In spite of his noble standing among the Quraysh, Abu Talib, an uncle of the Prophet, was quite poor. He had a large family and did not have enough means to support them adequately. His poverty-stricken situation became much worse when a severe drought hit theArabian Peninsula. The drought destroyed vegetation and livestock and, it is said, people were driven to eat bones in the struggle for survival.
Blessing upon Muhammad and his Household
After this praise of God he would supplicate by calling down blessings upon God's Messenger Praise belongs to God, who was kind to us through Muhammad (God bless him and his Household) to the exclusion of past communities and bygone generations, displaying thereby His power, which nothing can render incapable, though it be great, and nothing can escape, though it be subtle.
Imam Al-Mahdi Al-Muntadhar (a.s) (part 1)
The promised Mahdi, who is usually mentioned by his title of Imam-i 'Asr (the Imam of the "Period") and Sahib al-Zaman (the Lord of the Age), is the son of the eleventh Imam.
Mahdi (AS) in Different Ahatith
Intercession in the Holy Qur’an
There are about 25 verses about intercession in the Holy Qur’an. The word intercession (Shafa’at) and other words derived from it have been repeated 30 times in the Qur’an. The repetition of the words underline the significance of the issue of intercession. These verses may be divided into seven groups.
Prophet Muhammad’s Hadith (10)
The Lofty Goals behind Marriage in Islam (part 3)
Striving for the Well-Being of the Household and Home
Imam Sajjad’s Supplication for the coming of Ramadhan
Praise belongs to God who guided us to His praise and placed us among the people of praise, that we might be among the thankful for His beneficence and that He might recompense us for that with the recompense of the good-doers!