Tuesday, January 9, 2018 4:29:19 PM
Prophet Muhammad’s Hadith (10)

1. Two qualities surpass all others: Believing in God and being helpful and beneficial to the people at large.

2. One who leads people to benefaction reaps the reward of a benefactor.

3. The best of you is he whose meeting reminds you of God and whose words increase your knowledge and whose behavior inclines you to think about the next world.

4. The best prayers are those offered in seclusion and the best income is the one that suffices your needs.

5. The best dowry is one that is lighter one.

6. The best wages are those earned with the sweat of ones own brow, and where work is accomplished with precision.

7. The best amongst mankind is he who is most beneficial for people at large

8. Consultation precludes repentance and reproach.

9. The best marriage is the one solemnized with simplicity.

10. He who frankly reveals your shortcomings is the best of your brethren.

11.The best youth among you are those who adopt the ways of the old, and the worst among the old folk are those who imitate the ways of the young.

12. The best among you is he who is best for his wives and daughters.

13. The best among you is he who learns Quran and then teaches it.

14. The world will not cease to be till a man from my household who bears my name comes to rule all Arab nations.

15. Good handwriting provides a clearer insight of God.

16. Trustworthiness is the source of sustenance and treachery the cause of poverty.

17. Usury taken knowingly, even to the tune of a penny, is worse than having indulged in adultery 36 times.

18. The prayers of an oppressed, even if he is a wrong-doer, are accepted. His sins are his own concern.

19. You spend a penny in the way of God and another for buying the freedom of a slave, and give another as alms and spend one on your family. The best penny you spend, is the one on your family.

20. Being in debt mitigates one’s faith and honor.

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